Chapter 109 Life after Life (5)

Yun Qian blinked and said, "Healer's parental heart, how could I do such a thing, if I don't pull this thread properly, the wound on Shizi's body will be difficult to heal."

Chu Yuanzhou gave her the look of a ghost who believed in your words, but there was still a three-point smile on the corner of his mouth. He saw that Yunqian's eyes were calm and calm, and his delicate face was full of seriousness. His hands were also very steady, and his technique was extremely skilled. Looking at her side face like this, although it was not alluring, it made him feel a touch of affection in his heart.

"Okay!" Yun Qian said calmly after picking up the end of the thread.

Chu Yuanzhou pulled the clothes back together, Yunqian washed his hands in the washbasin, and then said: "Your Majesty is also often injured, and I don't need to explain the precautions for injuries."

"It would be great if you were more gentle." Chu Yuanzhou sighed and said: "You look beautiful and elegant, but you are too unfeminine when you move your hands, which hurts the scenery!"

Yun Qian gritted her teeth, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is right, a woman like me is not suitable to take home as a wife, it really annoys me, I will get up in the middle of the night and chop off the heads of those who bully me. "

Chu Yuanzhou nodded and said: "A woman like you is ruthless, I like it, and you are the only woman in this world who can stand shoulder to shoulder with me."

Yun Qian felt that it was meaningless to have such a verbal dispute with him, and it was difficult for a woman to gain advantage in such a verbal dispute, so she turned her head and looked at him and said, "There are no outsiders here, the prince should tell you now. What kind of deal do you want to make with me?"

"My deal is very simple." Chu Yuanzhou looked at her and said, "You are a smart person, and you guessed a little bit about what happened today, so I will not hide it from you, yes, I am indeed assassinating the eldest prince." I was injured during that time, but you are definitely not interested in knowing why I assassinated the eldest prince."

Yun Qian nodded and said: "Yes, I have covered you up today, but I don't intend to participate in any of your past affairs. You can rest assured that I will keep the secret for you, but please hold your hand high."

"You are a smart person, I am not worried about this matter at all, but I will remember your love." Chu Yuanzhou looked at Yun Qian and said: "I am a person who treats me well. I will repay you tenfold."

Yun Qian would not believe his words, she raised her eyebrows lightly and said, "I don't know how the prince wants to repay me?"

"Your kindness to me is too great, I can't repay you, I can only promise you with your body." Chu Yuanzhou blinked and said.

Yunqian snorted softly, and Chu Yuanzhou looked at her and said, "Don't put on that look, the women in the entire capital who want to marry me can definitely come to the capital from here."

"I believe these things, but what does it have to do with me? Why should I marry you?" Yun Qian clasped her arms around her chest and said.

Seeing that she didn't look like a lady, Chu Yuanzhou smiled deeper and said, "When you sent me in just now, you should have known that you didn't have many choices. "

"And then?" Yun Qian asked.

Chu Yuanzhou replied: "Then I can tell you that marrying me is definitely the most correct choice for you."

"How do you know?" Yun Qian asked with her head tilted.

What are the benefits of marrying him?Yunqian was also very curious. To her, except for his door lintel, which was of some use, everything else was nothing, and the door lintel was the most useless to her, a person who had traveled through time.

(End of this chapter)

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