Chapter 1093 Mutation Occurs
Yunzheng lowered her head slightly, gathered the cloak around her body, and then strode up to follow.

During dinner, Yunzheng was as silent as before, and Yunqian felt a little uncomfortable seeing her low eyebrows, and she knew very well that there was nothing she could do about it.

Today, it was Liu Ying who was serving at the table. Due to the change of Mo Chou's identity, Liu Ying is now [-]% submissive to Mo Chou, without the indifference and disdain of earlier times, as if she has always treated Mo Chou like this of.

Since it was a feast of filial piety, the food for dinner was very simple, they were all vegetarian dishes, and no one spoke.

Yunyan was also very quiet tonight, she sat there without talking, and Yunzheng was also silent, Yunqian was a little blocked in her heart, and she was not in the mood to talk, only Yunluo looked very happy, and said a few words to Yunzheng from time to time. In other words, most of the time Yunzheng just listened, and it was really impossible to hide, so she hummed lightly as a response.

After doing this several times, Yunluo also felt that it was meaningless, so she stopped talking.

The atmosphere during the banquet became a little heavy for a while, but at the table in the cubicle, Chu Yuanzhou and Chu Mo were talking nonsensical jokes, and Yun Jingyan was urging them to drink, which was very lively.

After dinner, Yun Qian sent the old lady back to the room first, and then went to Mo Chou's place.

There is a rule in Dazhou that a married daughter and son-in-law cannot share the same room after returning to her natal home. Yunqian wanted to talk to Mochou, so she stayed with Mochou. Chu Yuanzhou stayed in Yunqian's former boudoir. No dust in the room at night.

After nightfall, the weather became colder and colder, Yunqian ordered Huanyu and Shuyue to make the charcoal fire in the house more prosperous, and after washing, they took Mo Chou to gossiping, Mo Chou was in a good mood , and told some interesting stories about Yun Qian's childhood.

For those funny things, Yun Qian didn't have too many impressions in her body. At this moment, from Mo Chou's words, she only felt that Yun Qian was a little naive and silly in the past, and she was innocent and cute when she was young.

Yunqian felt that looking back through time, those childhood things had become colorful and innocent, she chuckled from time to time, and the room was full of warmth.

The two were talking excitedly, when the door was knocked, Huanyu opened the door, a gust of cold wind came in through the curtain, a woman dressed like a maid rushed in, knelt down on the tunnel as soon as she came in: "I beg the princess to save my wife."

Yunqian recognized that maid as Yunzheng's personal maid, Nana, and couldn't help being startled, so she hurriedly asked Huanyu to help Nana up and said, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Nana wiped her tears and said: "Miss Si came to look for my wife again this evening. She said a lot of words just now, and every sentence was extremely ugly. My wife was annoyed by what she said, so she agreed to her request. Just now the two When I went out, Madam wouldn't let me follow, I was afraid of accidents, so I begged Shi Zifei to save my Madam."

Nana's words were endless, but because Yunqian knew about Yunluo's coming to find Yunzheng earlier, she understood at this moment, she looked at Nana and said, "Is it because the fourth sister is here again?" Let's talk about letting the second sister give up your young master to her?"

Nana came to beg Yunqian because she knew that Yunqian knew about it. Last time when Chu Mo and Yunyan got married, when Yunluo made that request to Yunzheng, Nana was by her side.

(End of this chapter)

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