Chapter 1105 Not as good as a bitch
Ye Wuchen's eyes turned cold at the moment, and he stretched out his hand to brush Yunluo away, and then went to chase Yunzheng, but he didn't want to move, but found that his hands and feet didn't have the slightest strength, and as soon as he stood up, his body went limp.

Yunluo touched his chest in a timely manner, and said in an extremely gentle tone: "Brother-in-law, what's wrong with you? But what's wrong?"

Ye Wuchen was extremely irritable at this time, but his mind was still clear, he gritted his teeth and said: "Get lost!"

Her hand on his chest made him feel very comfortable, but he felt extremely disgusted in his heart. This woman can really do it yesterday!

How could Yunluo listen to him at this time, with a faint smile in her eyes, she said: "Second sister just left, she asked me to take good care of my brother-in-law, how can I abandon my brother-in-law like this now? leave?"

While she was talking, she stretched out her hand into his chest. Ye Wuchen was never plotted against before, and he couldn't help being very annoyed. He said coldly, "What did you do to me?"

Yunluo would never tell him that it was she who spent a lot of effort to get the medicine that Yunzheng poured into the tea just now. She had already planned for tonight for a long time. There is no room for maneuver.

Her eyes were faint, and she said softly: "What did brother-in-law say? I didn't do anything."

Yunluo's idea was to fight very well. Yunzheng did it by herself to drug Ye Wuchen tonight. No matter how troubles arise in the future, she will not be afraid, and she can push everything to Yunzheng. Then she told people all over the world that she didn't think this way, that Yunzheng and Ye Wuchen were at odds, and Yunzheng sent her to Ye Wuchen's bed for the sake of solid favor.

Thinking of this, she felt a little proud, but after all, she was a girl with yellow flowers. Although Ye Wuchen was in front of her at this time, she was still a bit shy in her heart.

She gently helped Ye Wuchen up and said: "Brother-in-law is not feeling well, I will help him to bed to rest."

Ye Wuchen admits that he has seen many women, and he has stayed in Huajie before, but Yunluo's behavior at this time, in Ye Wuchen's opinion, is inferior to the women in Huajie, extremely lowly and disgusting extreme.

Since he would not let her manipulate like this, he immediately pushed her with all his strength, and when she was caught off guard, she fell down on the small table beside her.

Yunluo didn't expect him to reject her like this, so she couldn't help being stunned. If she was a really smart woman, she would know that he hated her so much, and if she really married him, she would definitely be rejected by him in the future, but she thought of Ye Regarding the matter of Wuchen to Yunqian, in the early years, Yunqian was devoted to him, but he didn't even look at Yunqian, and when Yunqian ignored him later, he never forgot about Yunqian.

Yunluo thought for a while, and felt that Ye Wuchen must have a firm relationship with her today, and after this matter, she would put more effort into winning his heart in the future.Otherwise, she doesn't even have the chance to talk to him, how can she make him fall in love with her?
After thinking about it in her heart, she said softly, "Brother-in-law..."

"Don't call me." Ye Wuchen gritted his teeth and said, "Yunzheng is really stupid, to do such a thing, and you are really shameless, to send it to your door. You behave like this, Worse than a bitch!"

(End of this chapter)

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