Chapter 1111 A matter of fate
Yunzheng didn't look at Yunqian, Yunqian said slowly: "I always think that there is fate in this world, but most of the time, fate is by mistake. Many of the fates you see may not be true fates. Fate, some fate that you think is not fate, maybe it belongs to your fate, all the things in between, but you can’t judge it just by what you see on the surface.”

Yunzheng raised her eyes slowly, Yunqian and Nana helped her up together, but did not speak again.

However, Yunzheng already understood the meaning behind Yunqian's words. The marriage she promised Ye Wuchen that day was a coincidence. If she hadn't been worried about Yunqian that day, and if she hadn't learned that Su Qiaohui asked her to marry a dead person, she would not have made such a move. that choice.

Today, if it wasn't for Yunluo's pressure, she wanted to back down, and if it wasn't for the fierce poison, she wouldn't have made a choice.

She didn't speak, and walked out slowly with Nana's support.

Shuxiu was a little worried and said: "Shi Zifei, Second Miss..."

"Let her choose!" Yun Qian said softly: "I have interfered too much in this matter of hers. If I continue to interfere, she will definitely hate me in the future. There are so many sisters in the Yunfu, and I only care about her. She's my sister."

Hearing what she said, Shuxiu wouldn't ask again. At this moment, Chu Yuanzhou flew over. Seeing Yun Qian's expression changed, he asked, "Qianqian, what happened?"

"Second sister was also poisoned, and I can't cure the poison." Yun Qian said softly, "I feel sorry for her."

What she said to Yunzheng tonight actually meant to guide Yunzheng to choose, and in her heart, she couldn't be sure what choice Yunzheng would make, if Yunzheng really went to Ye Wuchen's place , she was not at all sure that Ye Wuchen would treat Yunzheng well in the future.

Chu Yuanzhou was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately said calmly: "Qianqian, everyone has their own destiny."

Yunqian never believed in the theory of fate. Hearing Chu Yuanzhou's words at this time, she felt even more disappointed, and then said softly: "I always feel that fate is in my own hands, and the details of tonight's events are also true. The second sister facilitated it."

Chu Yuanzhou nodded his head lightly, then hugged Yunqian tightly, then turned to Shuxiu and said, "Go back to your mother-in-law to serve her, the imperial concubine will be staying here tonight."

Shuxiu glanced at the two of them, wanting to persuade them, but after thinking about it, she felt that there was no need to persuade them, so she blessed them lightly, then turned and walked out.

The night was getting darker, Yunzheng stood in front of the court, let the north wind blow through her hair, let the snowflakes fall on her body, the cold air was strong, but her body was very hot at this time, in this cold air, she felt comfortable some.

Her eyes were full of despair, she raised her head to look at the sky, and there were only patches of white snow in her eyes, the vast night was so deep that she could not see the end, tears flowed down her cheeks, and fell to the ground into ice.

She likes to be quiet, so her yard is full of pines. At this time, the pines are faint, like a huge monster with claws and claws in the night, but she wishes that the pines would really become monsters.

Her fingers trembled slightly at this time, Nana said with some worry: "Madam..."

Yunzheng raised her hand slightly, and said in a low voice: "Do you also think I'm shameless, what happened tonight is my fault?"

"How can madam think like this?" Nana wiped her tears and said, "It's all because Miss Si is too vicious, that's why..."

(End of this chapter)

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