Chapter 1120 The Love of a Teenager
Both Yun Yan and Yun Luo were stunned for a moment, but Chu Mo finally sneered and said, "Women in the Yun Manor are really despicable."

His conclusion made both Yunyan and Yunluo tremble.

Chu Mo sat up slowly, his eyes were dark and unclear, and then said unhurriedly: "Yunluo, right?"

Yunluo responded lightly, and Chu Mo sneered, "You were the one who climbed into my king's bed last night!"

Yunluo didn't know how to explain it for a while, and she couldn't make a sound at the moment, but Yunyan's eyes were already red, she just wanted to tear Yunluo's face immediately, and said coldly from the side: "Fourth sister is so shameless , this is the end of the matter, my lord..."

"If you want, you can be my concubine!" Chu Mo finished dressing and walked out.

But Yunluo was already limp on the bed, and if Chu Mo asked her to be a concubine, then she would only be a concubine for the rest of her life. With Yunyan under her pressure, she might never have a chance to make her mark in this life. tortured to death.

But if she does not want to be Chu Mo's concubine, then the scandal today cannot be suppressed no matter what, and she will not be able to marry in the future, so she can only stay with the ancient Buddha Qingdeng.

These two choices are definitely not good choices for her, but at this time, there is no third way to choose in front of her.By this time, she finally felt a little regretful in her heart, regretting why she had plotted against Ye Wuchen.

Her heart was suddenly full of despair, Yun Yan was so angry that her chest heaved, she gave her a gloomy look, did not speak, turned around and walked out with Chu Mo, she fell on the bed and shed tears, regretting and hating .

When Chu Mo and Yun Yan came out of the house one after the other, Yun Qian and Chu Yuanzhou were standing outside the door, Yun Qian had a three-point smile in his eyes, and Chu Yuanzhou smiled with his arms around his chest Ling Ling said: "Ming Wangye and Ming Wangfei are so affectionate, people are envious."

Chu Mo glanced at Chu Yuanzhou, without any emotion in his eyes, Yun Yan looked at Yun Qian's eyes full of resentment, but Yun Qian smiled gently.

The steward of the Yunfu came in with a few maids to tidy up the guest room. Yun Yan originally wanted to stop it, but after thinking about it, the matter has come to this point, there is really nothing to stop, so she stood outside without moving.

Sure enough, as soon as the girl entered, she said in surprise: "Miss Si, why are you here?"

The maid rushed out again, and the person in charge asked, "What's the matter? What happened? You're so startled, don't startle the lord."

The maid leaned into the steward's ear and said a few words, the steward was startled, and went to invite Mo Chou and Yun Jingyan, Yunluo had already put on her clothes, and then slowly pushed the door out.

When Yunqian and Chu Yuanzhou saw Yunluo coming out of Chu Mo's room, neither of them spoke, Yunluo's face was very ugly.

Yun Yan's eyes were red, and seeing Yun Qian's mouth slightly raised, she knew that Yun Qian was here to see her jokes, and there was a chill in her eyes, and Yun Qian finally said: "Fourth Sister, why did you ask Ming Wang?" come out of your room?"

The corner of Chu Yuanzhou's mouth also had a faint smile, and then he looked at Chu Mo and said, "Master Ming, it's a waste of a young man if you don't flirt! I really didn't know that Lord Ming would like this."

After he finished saying this, he blinked at Chu Mo and raised his eyebrows. Chu Mo glanced at him and said, "My son has the deepest understanding of this kind of thing. Now that I have married my concubine, it seems that there is no such thing as the past. Divide the wind."

(End of this chapter)

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