Chapter 1126 touting each other
Ye Wuchen looked at the woman in his arms, a little dazed, she fainted like this, without the madness just now, nor the usual coldness, the small face that was only the size of a palm was safe at this moment, the lightly covering her eyelids The long eyelashes on her face were as weak as she was at this time.

At this moment, Ye Wuchen's heart couldn't help but move, and he suddenly felt a little tired.

In fact, there is no essential difference between him and Yunzheng. Both of them were hurt by love, and both had their own pride and stubbornness.

Ye Wuchen's eyes narrowed slightly. Although he was very angry about what happened last night, when he turned his head and thought about it again, he felt that he did not suffer in the end.

He is a man, and in this kind of matter, no matter what, he is the one who takes advantage.

Ye Wuchen is the number one son of the capital. On weekdays, many women want to throw themselves into his arms, but his wife is not willing to have sex with him. This is also a bit embarrassing for him, but he Originally, he had no feelings for Yunzheng, so he didn't think much of it.

Now that the two are husband and wife, many things have changed before.

His eyes closed slightly, and after a while, he finally said quietly: "Maybe this is God's will!"

When Yun Qian and Chu Yuanzhou returned to the Chu Palace, the carriages of Chu Mo and Yun Yan also stopped in front of the Chu Palace, and the four of them walked into the Palace together. When the steward saw Chu Mo coming, he rushed to invite him King of Chu.

So Chu Yuanzhou took Chu Mo to the flower hall, and Yun Qian took Yun Yan into the second gate, but met Lu Zhu at the door, and when Lu Zhu saw Yun Yan, he hurriedly saluted softly.

Yun Yan smiled and said, "I've heard about the road side concubine Hui Zhi Lan Xin for a long time, but seeing her today, she's really different."

Lu Zhu also laughed and said: "Princess Ming is known as the most beautiful woman in the capital, and seeing her today, she is as beautiful as a fairy."

Yun Qian felt a little funny when she heard what the two said, but she didn't speak.

Yun Yan's eyes were full of smiles and said: "I heard that Concubine Lu Fang is the most kind girl, she once embroidered a picture of a hundred birds facing the Phoenix, it was a masterpiece in Beijing at that time, the stitching method is complicated and brilliant, I always wanted to I want to ask Concubine Lu Side for advice, and if I see Concubine Lu Side today, I would like to ask Concubine Lu Side to give me some advice."

"I don't dare to take such words." Lu Zhu said with a faint smile in his eyes: "That happened many years ago, it's rare that Princess Ming still remembers it. I heard that Princess Ming is also an excellent embroidery worker, and I wanted to see it a long time ago." , if Princess Liming doesn’t dislike it today, please sit in my room and we can learn from each other, okay?”

"That's exactly what I mean." Yun Yan smiled softly.

Yun Qian thought the two were very interesting, the enemy of an enemy is a friend, this sentence was confirmed by the two of them.

Lu Zhu looked at Yun Qian with a smile and said, "Would the concubine Shi Zi mind?"

"What did Concubine Lu Side say?" Yun Qian smiled and said, "I'm not good at female celebrities, and I'm not even interested in female celebrities. Today, Princess Ming is passing the mansion. I was worried about how to entertain Princess Ming to make her happy. Now I'm too happy to be entertained by Concubine Lu, so why would I mind?"

Yun Qian knew that there would be no good things for these two women to get together, but if some people deliberately got together, she stopped it today, and she won't be able to stop it in the future.It is also impossible for her to stay in front of these two women with ulterior motives all the time, she might as well let them go.

It's just that she might have to be more careful in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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