Chapter 113 Marriage Agreement (4)

How could Chu Yuanzhou believe her words? His wound was itching more and more at this moment. This woman really dared to play tricks on him.

He said lightly: "Qianqian, you are a bit naughty!"

Yun Qian coughed lightly and said: "It's okay, compared to the naughty things, I'm not one-tenth of the son. The status of the son is extremely noble, so I don't dare to do anything to the son. I just did it to the son. When taking the medicine, I accidentally made the dose a little heavier."

Chu Yuanzhou snorted softly, and accidentally made the measurement a little heavier?He doesn't believe it!

The last time I went to Yunchu and saw her go crazy, she was black-hearted and ruthless!Looking at her today, she is quite kind, thinking that she restrained her temper. Before the treatment, he believed in her, so he was not on guard, and didn't want to fall into her ways.

He squinted at her and said, "Really?"

"I have a lot of guts, how dare I lie in front of my son." The corner of Yunqian's mouth raised slightly, "It's just that I'm going to wrong my son today, and it might be a little itchy tonight."

Chu Yuanzhou felt that the wound was surprisingly itchy. He was not afraid of pain, but that didn't mean he wasn't afraid of itchiness.

His eyes narrowed and he said: "Qianqian, don't make trouble, give me the antidote."

Yun Qian said with a flat mouth: "I just said it, my son, I just gave the pain medicine a little heavier, and you will just feel a little uncomfortable. But there is one more thing I forgot to tell my son. Although this kind of medicine is very useful, it may delay the healing of the wound after using it, if the son wants the wound to heal as soon as possible, don't forget to hire Yunfu as soon as possible."

"So you can't wait to marry me?" Chu Yuanzhou snorted softly.

Yun Qian sighed softly and said: "That's not true, I just dealt with Shizi a few times, knowing that Shizi likes to joke, so I made a little joke with Shizi, isn't it more interesting to get along like this? "

Never dared to say such a thing to Chu Yuanzhou, but Yun Qian said it so calmly, Chu Yuanzhou didn't know whether to be angry or not for a while.

After a long while, he said with a bit of yin and yang: "Very good, she is indeed the woman I like, and she is indeed very interesting! I like it!"

"Thank you, my son, for liking it!" Yun Qian smiled until his eyes narrowed into a line, then poked his head slightly and said, "My son, I will wait for you to come to Yunfu to marry me!"

She spoke very gently, but Chu Yuanzhou's expression was already not very good-looking.

Yun Qian ignored him and opened the door. When she opened the door, both Shuxiu and Huanyu were standing outside waiting. There was a bit of worry in her eyes, she just smiled lightly, didn't say much, and walked down the mountain with the two of them, only to see Yun Yan and others waiting for her beside the carriage.

Yun Qian's eyes deepened, and she smiled and said, "Thank you, sisters, for a long time."

Yun Yan said coldly: "It's really shameless, actually sharing the same room with a foreigner, you have completely embarrassed the Yun family!"

Yun Qian didn't bother to talk to her, but Yun Yan stopped in front of her and said, "Fifth Sister, I didn't realize that you are so charming before, that you can even do such a shameless thing!"

Yun Qian raised her eyelids and said, "Third Sister is thinking, why is it not Third Sister who was invited into the room by the Prince today?"

(End of this chapter)

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