Chapter 1141
Ordinary people might not admit it even if they did such a thing, but Bai Luo said it bluntly, and everyone was stunned for a moment. Even if such a behavior was really a villain, it would not be annoying. glanced at him.

Lu Zhu's complexion was extremely ugly, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

"You also admit that your methods are very bad!" Lu Fei directly drew a conclusion to Bai Luo, and then turned to King Chu and said: "My lord, you heard it too, Bai Logan is dissatisfied with you, so he will treat Lufu. Let's start, you must be the master of the Lu Mansion! Over the years, the Lu Mansion has done much more for the Wang Mansion than the Bai Mansion has done for the Wang Mansion!"

He originally thought that this sentence would definitely arouse the anger of the King of Chu and make the King of Chu support him. He didn't want the King of Chu to turn his head to look at Princess Chu instead of looking at him at all.

When Princess Chu heard Bai Luo's words, tears welled up in her eyes.

Seeing this scene, Lu Fei felt very uncomfortable. He turned his head and looked at Lu Zhu, but Lu Zhu gave him a hard look, his eyes were full of anger. She was annoyed that Lu Fei had ruined her plan. At this point, things may be difficult to clean up.

Bai Luo glanced at Lu Fei and said: "Master Lu's summary for me is too early, although I did these things this time to stand up for my aunt, and tell the whole world that the White House is not easy to be bullied." Yes. But what I did was not what Master Lu said. I robbed the weaving business of the Lu Mansion. It was an aboveboard grab. I'm optimistic about his business, I'm going to make a move, let him get ready. Master Lu, is there such a thing?"

Princess Qionghua interjected: "Bai Luo, you are really crazy. If you dare to do business like this, you won't be afraid that others will take precautions."

"As I said just now, I, Bai Luo, am a real villain. If I want to steal other people's things, I will do so in a fair way." Bai Luo said unhurriedly: "And I have always been utilitarian in doing things. If I want to If you want to win someone's heart for something, then you must never give up until you achieve your goal."

Princess Qionghua knew that he was speaking to her, she immediately gave him a supercilious look, her eyes were full of disapproval.

It's fine if Bai Luo didn't talk about it, but when he talked about it, Luffy felt extremely depressed, his face turned red with anger, and he looked at Bai Luo and said, "That's right, you said that to me, but Your behavior is too shameless!"

At this time, besides saying that Bai Luo was shameless, he really couldn't find a more suitable word to describe Bai Luo. It turned out that when Bai Luo brought that sentence to him, he didn't take it to heart. He has been in business for many years, and it is impossible for Bai Luo to snatch him away easily. Moreover, he believes that with the backing of the King of Chu, no matter how big Bai Luo's business becomes, it is impossible to hurt the foundation of the Lu family.

So when he received Bai Luo's letter that day, he just laughed it off. Although he had carefully thought about the chances that Bai Luo would steal his business, he felt from the bottom of his heart that Bai Luo was nothing.

It's just that what Lu Fei didn't expect was that when Bai Luo made a move, he was straightforward and didn't leave him any leeway. Only then did he know that Bai Luo had already been operating in the palace for many years, and Bai Luo had already been familiar with the temperament of the chief executive, and he did what he wanted. Ok sent some stuff.

(End of this chapter)

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