Chapter 1146 Bewildering
Seeing Princess Qionghua return to the banquet, Bai Luo sighed softly as he stood there. After all, he felt a little bit disappointed. He didn't know when Princess Qionghua would treat him better, so don't just pinch him and beat him up.

He also felt a little worried, Princess Qionghua liked to bully him so much, if she really got married in the future, would there be domestic violence?When he thought of this, he shook his head lightly, feeling that he seemed to be thinking a little too far.

Perhaps Princess Qionghua's thoughts had never been on him before, but he was actually thinking about getting married, it seemed that he was thinking too much.He scolded Chu Yuanzhou in his heart, if that bastard hadn't mentioned this matter, how could he have thought about it?

Because of the commotion just now, the atmosphere in the men's banquet was very relaxed, and the men spoke more casually.

But the women's side was a little uncomfortable, Lu Zhu was standing there serving people's meals, Yun Yan sat there and saw Lu Zhu's appearance, and thought of many past events in her heart, but she only glanced at Lu Zhu, She is not good at speaking for Lu Zhu in front of the rules.

Yun Yan had only heard that Princess Chu was an uninitiated and weak master before, but when she saw it today, it was clear that she was not a fuel-efficient lamp. She originally wanted to challenge the relationship between Princess Chu and Yun Qian, but then she thought of Yun Qian. Qian once saved Princess Chu's life, so she might not be very picky at this time.However, she felt in her heart that it would be fine if Princess Chu and Yun Qian did not get along, and Yun Qian would not have a good life in the future.

Thinking this way, she glanced at Lu Zhu again, but Lu Zhu just stood there with a low eyebrow and pleasing to the eye, not looking at her much.

During the banquet, the people hardly said anything, only Yun Qian chuckled and chatted with Princess Chu from time to time, and the rest of the people had their own meals.

After the banquet was over, the man went to the flower hall to drink tea. Princess Chu said that she was not feeling well, and went back to her room to rest.

Princess Qionghua didn't want to be entangled by Bai Luo anymore, she pulled Yun Qian and talked non-stop.

Yun Yan suffered from Princess Qionghua's hands before, she is a vengeful person, apart from being polite to Princess Qionghua on the face, she left with Lu Zhu after a salute, and she did not make friends with Princess Qionghua .

Seeing Yun Yan's actions, Yun Qian just smiled faintly.

After Yun Yan and Lu Zhu walked out of the dining room, Lu Zhu sighed softly: "Today let Princess Ming see a joke."

"Concubine Lu Fang is serious." Yun Yan said slowly: "I see that today's incident was deliberately designed by someone, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence?"

Lu Zhu glanced at her and said: "Even if someone deliberately designed it, but my brother still followed their way today, I'm afraid I will have a hard time in the palace in the future." She is much smarter than Lu Fei. With just one glance, she could tell that the farce was a trick set by Bai Luo for Lu Fei.

Yun Yan's eyes deepened and she said, "That's not necessarily true."

Lu Zhu glanced at Yun Yan, but Yun Yan smiled and said: "I just said that Concubine Lu has been favored by the King of Chu for these years, and today I am honored to see Concubine Lu's female celebrity, and I really admire her in my heart."

Lu Zhu said slowly: "If Princess Ming has anything to say, just tell me directly. There are no outsiders here, so there is no need to beat around the bush."

Yun Yan's eyes were deep, and she said slowly: "It's not that I beat around the bush, but that many things are not what Concubine Lu Side thinks."

"Oh? What do you mean by that?" Lu Zhu looked at Yun Yan and said.

(End of this chapter)

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