Chapter 1149
Yun Yan gave a light gift to Princess Qionghua, Princess Qionghua waved her hand lightly and said: "Mo'er has been arrogant since she was a child, and she is not close to me as an aunt on weekdays. I didn't even attend the wedding, as an elder, etiquette is indispensable."

Yun Yan knew that Princess Qionghua and Yun Qian were close, so she didn't want to come today, but she also knew that Princess Qionghua was an elder and was favored by the emperor. If she didn't come, she might cause some trouble. Now that she is here, see Princess Qionghua looked a little bit worried.

She said softly: "Gu Gu can do it if she has the heart, and Duke Ming and I won't mind those etiquettes."

Princess Qionghua nodded her head lightly and said: "I heard that you are a gentle and generous woman earlier, I still don't believe it, but now that I see you, you are really like that, I like it very much."

Yun Yan lowered her head slightly, but Princess Qionghua pointed to a box on the table and said, "Open it and see if you like it."

Yun Yan felt that something was wrong with Princess Qionghua suddenly rewarding her with things, but she just thought that she was also Chu Mo's concubine now, Princess Qionghua was her elder, and she couldn't refuse the things given by her elders.

She gave a light blessing at the moment: "Thank you, Aunt Princess."

Princess Qionghua smiled slightly and nodded her head lightly. Yunyan walked slowly to the table and opened the box, but there was a pair of white jade head and face inside. The big head face was very delicate, with white jade as the base , with many sparkling gemstones falling on it, dignified and elegant.

With just one glance, Yun Yan fell in love with it, and reached out to touch it.

Princess Qionghua had been watching Yun Yan's movements, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised. The cat in her arms let out a soft cry when Yun Yan opened the box.

Yun Yan didn't take it seriously when she heard the meowing, and said with a light smile, "Thank you, Aunt Princess."

"We're all from our own family, so there's no need to be formal." Princess Qionghua smiled softly, her eyebrows and eyes slightly curved, and she looked a bit like an elder.

Yun Yan wanted to cover the box, but Princess Qionghua said: "Put it on and let me see if it looks good."

When Princess Qionghua said this, Yun Yan couldn't refuse, so she nodded slightly, took out the set of hair, put on the necklace first, and then reached for the earrings, the cat in Princess Qionghua's arms barked again With a sound, this time he stood up with his waist bowed, looking straight at Yunyan with cat eyes.

Yun Yan glanced at the cat, but Princess Qionghua patted the cat and said, "You like to make trouble the most, what's your name at this time, let's play!"

The cat meowed again after being slapped by Princess Qionghua, and then bowed even more. At this time, Yun Yan had already put on one of the earrings, and the cat meowed again, and then He rushed out towards Yunyan very quickly, grabbed Yunyan's face with his claws hard, and then tore it again, raised the cat's claws to grab the earring on Yunyan's ear.

Yun Yan only felt a blur in front of her eyes, and the cat rushed towards her, and then she felt pain in her face and ears, she let out a pained cry, and stretched out her hand reflexively to grab the cat, not wanting her to grab it a little bit hard, and lifted her He raised his hand and threw it vigorously, and threw the cat on the stone pillar beside the pavilion.

The cat screamed and fell to the ground without moving.

And because of the grab just now, she used too much force, and dropped the necklace she was wearing just above her neck to the ground. The necklace was made of jade, and it broke into several pieces immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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