Chapter 1155

Princess Qionghua said again: "The son-in-law is handsome and talented. There are many women who like him in Beijing. After we got married, he rarely smiled at me. I thought he didn't like to laugh. Later, One day, I saw him smiling happily at a blue-eyed foreign woman on the pavilion. After many years, when I think of his smile again, I will feel a little blocked in my heart. If I was as stable as I am today, I think I wouldn't do something like that either."

"What did sister do?" Yun Qian asked curiously.

The corner of Princess Qionghua's mouth raised slightly, but her eyes were full of coldness, she said slowly: "I stepped forward and slapped that woman, he was very angry at that time, and he slapped me too, I was extremely angry at that time. Angry, I rushed forward and wanted to hit the woman again, but the son-in-law was protecting the woman tightly. I was very angry, but there was nothing I could do. I just felt wronged, so I sent someone to investigate the woman's background, and It was only then that I realized that the woman was a princess from Xiliang, and that she came to Beijing to see the scenery of the Great Zhou with the people who went to Beijing to worship."

Yun Qian was stunned for a moment, but Princess Qionghua's eyes were full of coldness, she sneered and said, "I took someone to find that woman to settle the account the next day, but I didn't want to but ran into her with the son-in-law again, and then I I was very annoyed in my heart, and I immediately asked my father to drive the girl away from the capital. My father only said that I was ignorant, and didn't take my words to heart. Since then, the son-in-law rarely returned to the manor. I often sleep outside, and he avoids me every time."

Yun Qian sighed softly when she heard the words, but Princess Qionghua said in a low voice: "I was very irritable at the time, and I couldn't tolerate a grain of sand in my eyes, and I heard that he was with that woman, how could I I can swallow this breath, at that time King Tuo Yin just entered the capital, and then I used a trick to get that woman into King Tuo Yin's bed."

Yun Qian's eyes widened immediately, it's not surprising that Princess Qionghua did such a thing, it's just... just this...

Yun Qian coughed lightly and said, "Sister is suspicious that Nangong Wushuang is the son-in-law's daughter by that woman?"

She was convinced by Princess Qionghua, she had exhausted all methods for a man, and she used her affection deeply, but the result was...

"The appearance of Nangong Wushuang is almost exactly the same as that woman back then." Princess Qionghua concluded.

Yunqian thought of something, felt something was wrong, and said, "I heard that Princess Wushuang was not favored in Tuoyin. She grew up among wolves when she was a child. If her biological mother is a princess from Xiliang, how could she Will be subjected to such abuse?"

"After the matter between King Tuoyin and the woman was bumped into, the father felt that this incident happened in Dazhou, so he secured a matchmaker for the woman and King Tuoyin. King Tuoyin and the woman had already seen the matter. So far, one of the two is the king and the other is the princess. If this matter is not handled properly, it will become a big event, so I naturally agreed to be the matchmaker of the father. Therefore, King Tuoyin suspected that the woman climbed into his bed on her own initiative, and kept guarding against her like a thief." Princess Qionghua explained.

Yun Qian was speechless after hearing Princess Qionghua's words. To a certain extent, Princess Qionghua's character could be equated with the unreasonable and savage princess, and she was a little vicious.

(End of this chapter)

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