Chapter 1158
As for all the things in between, Bai Luo didn't want to make any conclusions. Princess Qionghua used to be very willful in her actions, and even broke her hands in order to keep her love. But over the years, she has also suffered a lot. The torment he endured was much more than ordinary people.

Such a woman has long shed the cloak of a savage princess. Although she is more thoughtful, has a story, and has means than ordinary women, in Bai Luo's view, she is just a fragile woman.

When Princess Qionghua heard Bai Luo's words, she was angry and annoyed, but felt that although his words were ugly, they were true. She loved her son-in-law deeply before, and she could say that she had exhausted everything for him. Scheming, she also put on the name of loving him for the things she did before, but thinking about it now is really ridiculous.

She glared at Bai Luo and said viciously: "You don't care about my aunt's affairs!"

Although her words were fierce, to Yun Qian's ears, she really had no confidence.

Bai Luo said disapprovingly: "It's not that I want to meddle in the princess's affairs, but I'm complaining for Chu Yi and Princess Tuo Yin. You can't manage your own affairs well, so why should you meddle in other people's affairs?"

Princess Qionghua said angrily: "It's none of your business if I meddle in other people's affairs! I don't need you to ask about my affairs!"

Bai Luo rolled her eyes and said, "You can meddle in other people's affairs, but I can't meddle in yours?"

He asked a rhetorical question, but she was left speechless. She was so angry that her chest heaved up and down, and she reached out to whip a whip. She didn't think she came out to pay New Year's greetings, and she didn't return home last night, so she didn't have a whip with her.

She searched around but couldn't find a weapon that could hit Bai Luo, so she spat hard on the ground, stomped her foot and said, "Bai Luo, wait for me, one day I'm going to pick you up Skin!"

Bai Luo made a terrified expression and said, "If you have the ability, you can peel off my skin right now!"

Seeing the two of them quarreling, Yun Qian originally wanted to persuade her, but found that Princess Qionghua seemed very angry today, but she always felt that she lacked confidence.

She was standing beside her with a faint smile and said, "Sister, cousin, you two are arguing slowly, I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

After saying this, she lifted her foot and left.

Unexpectedly, Princess Qionghua pulled Yunqian and said: "Qianqian, you also saw it today, Bai Luo is such a hateful bastard, you must help me deal with him today!"

Yun Qian would not touch this bad luck, she smiled lightly and said: "Sister, I think you need to have a good talk with your cousin, this is a private matter between you, I will not interfere."

After she finished speaking, she gently pulled Princess Qionghua's hand away, and then ran away with Huanyu and Shuxiu. Make her angry again."

Bai Luo was grateful, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Shi Zifei! I will definitely take good care of the princess, and won't let her suffer any grievances."

Yun Qian smiled, and before leaving, she did not forget to wink at Princess Qionghua, the two are definitely synonymous with living treasures.

Princess Qionghua was very angry when she saw her appearance, she jumped in the pavilion and said, "Yunqian, what kind of favor did Bai Luo give you, you actually help him like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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