Chapter 116 I am Yunqian (2)

"Father, mother, the fifth younger sister never spoke like this! Fifth younger sister has a gentle temper, and she is a little cowardly in her actions. She is afraid of seeing officials, so why would she take the initiative to meet officials? So, she is definitely not fifth younger sister." !” Yun Yan said with cold eyes.

Yun Qian's eyes narrowed slightly and said: "In the past, I really didn't know how to talk like this, and I would just accept it. Third sister used to bring people to beat me every day, and I didn't dare to fight back. It's just that third sister knows it when she wants to come, and the rabbit is anxious. I know how to bite people, I am the daughter of the same father as you, and both are concubines, why should I be inferior to you and be beaten and scolded by you every day?"

cowardly?It is indeed because of cowardice that the previous owner of this body was bullied like that!She is Yun Qian, the unique Yun Qian, how can she let these women bully her?

Originally, she thought that Yunyan was just a tool to be used, and she didn't need to argue with such an ignorant person, but the scene at this time made her clearly understand that Yunyan, as the early bird, the murderous knife, She needs to be destroyed.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he will come to bite her like a mad dog in the future.

If you beat her, she will find a chance to fight back, and if you scold her, she will get it back!
"Nonsense! I never hit you!" Yun Yan refused to admit it, anyway, the matter is over, as long as she bites her to death and refuses to admit it, Yun Qian has nothing to do with her.

Yunqian sneered, and stretched out her arm, only to see an inch-long scar on her forearm, she said softly: "This scar was when my third sister lied to me that Ye Wuchen I came to Yun Mansion as a guest, and I believed it was true. I followed my third sister to the peach blossom forest behind the house. Huan hung me from a tree, and then beat me severely with a whip, saying that my aunt climbed into my father's bed shamelessly, she was a scum of a maidservant girl, I struggled desperately, fell from the tree and threw my hands on the rocks A long gash was made, leaving this scar."

"Nonsense, nothing!" Yun Yan said angrily: "You are not my fifth sister at all, you are making up nonsense! Who knows when the scar on your hand was left! My fifth sister has no scars at all !"

Yunqian sneered and said, "No scars? Third sister, are you sure you know my body better than myself? Maybe there are some scars that you don't know, but the scar on my forehead was left not long ago. I want to come to my father, Both mother and third sister still remember."

As soon as she finished speaking, she lifted her hair slightly, the scar from hitting the pillar last time was so obvious.

Yun Jingyan's eyes darkened a bit, and his brows frowned slightly.

When Yun Yan saw the scar, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment, she opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.

Yun Qian slowly pulled up the trousers again, Su Qiaohui said angrily: "Qian'er, how can you pull up your clothes like this!"

Yun Qian ignored her, pointing to a dozen or so small scars on her snow-white and tender calf, and said, "These scars are from grandma's [-]th birthday. I bought a cloisonne vase with the moon silver I had saved for several years. Wanting to celebrate grandma’s birthday, the third sister jumped out halfway and smashed the vase, accusing me of stealing the cloisonné vase from my mother’s house. When I cried out and disturbed the guests, the third sister gagged me and threw me in the backyard. Then she only said that I was unfilial in front of people, but I didn’t come to congratulate grandma on her birthday.”

(End of this chapter)

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