Chapter 1160
Huanyu saw that the guards were also well-trained, most of them went to chase the carriage, and some ran towards the palace, presumably they went to find Chu Yuanzhou, she is just a weak woman, it is impossible Running faster than those guards, he supported Shuxiu and said: "There are guards going to report to the son, I will help you back to the palace first."

Shuxiu was anxious, but she also knew that what Huanyu said made sense, and her feet hurt badly, so she had no choice but to let Huanyu help her back.

Seeing that both Shuxiu and Huanyu fell off the carriage, Yunqian felt a little anxious. She wanted to jump off the carriage, but the carriage bumped so hard that her back hit the chair in the back seat. There was a thick layer of blankets on top, otherwise she might get hurt too.

With great difficulty, she opened the curtain and glanced at Huanyu and Shuxiu, seeing that their bodies were covered with blood, she couldn't help feeling a little worried, and she shouted loudly: "Uncle Zhang, hold the reins!"

Zhang Bo, the groom, said anxiously: "Concubine Shizi, the horse is frightened and cannot be held back!"

Yun Qian was also anxious when she heard the words. Once the horse went crazy, she didn't know where to pull her. The speed of the carriage was not fast just now. Shuxiu and Huanyu were already covered in blood when they fell, but now the carriage was running even faster. Well, if she jumped off the carriage at this time, she might even lose her life.

Now she could only count on the horse to stop when it was tired, so she could only lean on the back seat tightly to minimize the damage she suffered.

As soon as the horse was startled, it ran around, dragged the carriage, jumped over the official road, and drove forward crazily. Wherever the carriage passed, pedestrians hurriedly gave way. Although Yun Qian was a little scared at this moment, she didn't Out of control, she knew that the shock of the carriage today must have been instigated by someone, otherwise the firecracker could not have just landed on her carriage.

Seeing that the carriage had driven very far, but had no intention of stopping, Yun Qian became more and more worried.

At this moment, the carriage hit a rock again, and the carriage made of high-quality golden nanmu was severely damaged. The left door was knocked out, and a large piece of the bottom of the carriage was also knocked off.

She couldn't help being startled, with this posture, as long as the bottom of the carriage below her hits and flies, she will also fall.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, and she wanted to jump off the carriage, but there were rocks everywhere at this time, if she jumped at such a speed, she might even die.

She took a deep breath immediately, intending to jump into the carriage without waiting for the carriage to pass through this section. Normally, at this time, Uncle Zhang exclaimed, the frame of the carriage in front broke, and he fell down with his face When it rubbed against the stone, it was immediately drenched with blood, and he fainted.

Yun Qian said in surprise, "Uncle Zhang!"

At this moment, she heard the neighing of a horse, she looked up, and saw Chu Han's cold face from the knocked down door, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment, Chu Han Seeing that it was her, he snorted coldly, those eyes went out several times, and his heart was full of feelings for a while.

Yun Qian didn't expect him to appear at this time, so she couldn't help being stunned for a moment. He stretched out his hand and said, "Grab my hand!"

Yunqian's eyes deepened, knowing that if she stretched out her hand to him at this time, people would say that she was not a woman if they saw her. If she didn't stretch out her hand, she might be thrown to death here today.

(End of this chapter)

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