Chapter 1166
Chu Yuanzhou stood by and heard the words of the two, half leaning against the table, his eyes full of chills, he said slowly: "I'm not sure who did this for a while, but they dare to calculate Come on my head, I will definitely not let them have a good time!"

Yun Qian sighed softly when she heard the words, originally she thought that Yun Yan and Lu Zhu could not get away with this matter, but after thinking about it carefully, although Yun Yan and Lu Zhu both have means, they are only women after all How can there be such a sophisticated design for those small methods, and this matter has also involved the princes, which has already involved the affairs of the court.

She said softly: "On the face of it, this incident seems to be aimed at me. I'm afraid it is aimed at Yuan Zhou. In the future, Yuan Zhou should be more careful in his actions."

Chu Yuanzhou said with some disdain: "If they have the ability, just let them come here! I really have some free time recently, and I want to see what tricks they can come up with."

Yun Qian could not help but feel relieved when she saw that although he was standing there a little arrogantly, he was extremely domineering.

Chu Shu was standing on the steps playing with a glazed jade lamp. The jade lamp was shining and gorgeous, but there was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

Yun Chu strode up to his side, and asked, "Fourth prince, what's going on?"

"What are you in a hurry for?" Chu Shu glanced at him and said, "The spies will be back in a while."

While speaking, a man in black rushed in and said, "Returning to the fourth prince, everything went well, but Chu Yuanzhou suddenly appeared, and he rescued Yun Qian."

Chu Shu frowned first, and then relaxed it quickly. He put the jade lamp on the corridor and said, "He came really fast!"

"Chu Yuanzhou was originally in the capital today. After receiving a signal from the guards, he hurried over and turned the whole thing around. The Seventh Prince did not meet the Crown Princess. Although the Second Prince also rushed over, but things went wrong There has been a change." The spy said softly.

Yun Chu said angrily: "How could Chu Yuanzhou rush over so quickly? Once the horse is frightened, it can run much faster than ordinary horses."

The spy took a look at Yun Chu and said, "During the war, the son once tamed a wild horse named Mo Yun in the snow-capped mountains beside Xiliang. That horse is not an ordinary horse, it can travel thousands of miles in a day."

Yun Chu gritted his teeth, stomped his feet and said, "Yun Qian, this bitch is really dead."

Chu Shu chuckled and said: "I heard that there are a group of extremely outstanding guards around Chu Yuanzhou. Those people have followed him through life and death, and all of them are alert. There is a tacit understanding, you can know the other party's mind without any words, and then when there is danger, you can respond in the shortest time."

After a slight pause, he said: "I used to think it was exaggerated by others, but seeing it now, I was really not disappointed. Such a quick reaction is really convincing."

"The fourth prince is still praising Chu Yuanzhou at this time. Why do you want to spoil your own prestige by arranging other people's ambitions?" Yun Chu said a little unhappy. He hated Yun Qian from the bottom of his heart, because Yun Qian made him lose Yun Jingyan's doting also caused him to lose his biological mother. Now he is no longer the young master of Yunfu, and his status has plummeted.

(End of this chapter)

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