Chapter 1170 Understand Romance
The corners of Yunqian's mouth curled up slightly and said: "I was thinking that these two maids are not too young, so it's time to find them a husband's family. If there is a suitable person in Yuanzhou, I will help them find someone."

Chu Yuanzhou said with a smile: "The male university should get married, and the female university should marry. I take this matter to heart."

When he said this, he was telling the two that their marriage was on his shoulders.

Shuxiu and Huanyu thanked him quickly after hearing what he said.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled, and pulled Yunqian out. Shuxiu and Huanyu knew that they had something to say, but they didn't follow.

When the two returned to the main house, Chu Yuanzhou took Yunqian's hand and said, "I also investigated the matter of the horse's shock that day, and I'm afraid there will be troubles during this period, so you should not leave the palace. "

Chu Yuanzhou seldom speaks like this on weekdays. Now that he had such an explanation, Yun Qian was slightly taken aback and asked, "What's going on?"

Chu Yuanzhou stretched out his hand to gather the hair scattered on her forehead behind her ears and said, "It's not a big deal, it's just that the court has been too quiet recently, and some people are too boring, just find something for them to do." .”

Yun Qian knew Chu Yuanzhou's temperament. He usually looks a bit rambunctious, but he is a thoughtful person. Now that he says these words, something big will definitely happen.

She reached out and stroked his face lightly and said, "Be careful."

The corner of Chu Yuanzhou's mouth curled up slightly, and he reached out and grabbed her hand on his face, and he said with a smile: "That's natural, I won't let you be a widow."

After hearing what he said, Yun Qian was out of tune again, and immediately stretched out her hand to pinch his face and said: "I've been talking nonsense all day long, and I have no shape at all."

Chu Yuanzhou let her pinch his face and deformed it, but his eyes were full of warmth and said: "I suddenly found that being pinched by you like this is very happy."

When Yun Qian heard the words, she acted harder, and said fiercely: "Are you still happy now?"

Chu Yuanzhou pursed his lips and said, "Qianqian, women are too fierce to be liked!"

Yun Qian was too lazy to peel the skin with him, so she pulled her hand back immediately, but he moved his face to her side and said, "It's very comfortable after pinching, Qianqian pinch it again!"

Seeing his skinless and shameless appearance, Yunqian was so angry that she snorted coldly, and turned her head away, ignoring him, but he hugged her from behind, and then leaned her head against her. She said on her shoulder: "Qianqian, when I went out today, I saw a doll eating candied haws, it was so cute."

Hearing what Chu Yuanzhou said, Yunqian thought he was going to talk about having a baby, her eyes moved slightly, and she didn't want him to say: "Then I suddenly remembered that we have known each other for so long and I haven't treated you to candied haws yet." .”

Yunqian felt that she couldn't keep up with his jumping thinking, and the eyes moved slightly, but he smiled lightly in her ear, and then pulled out a candied haws from behind as if by magic, and handed it to her. The mouth said: "Come, take a bite and see if it tastes good."

Yun Qian's eyes were full of warmth, and when he opened his mouth to bite, he pulled back the candied haws again, and then opened his mouth to take a bite. She frowned and said, "Didn't you say you bought it for me? Why did you eat it yourself?"

"One bite for you, one bite for me, it tastes more fragrant and more romantic, Qianqian, you have to know what romance is!" Chu Yuanzhou said vaguely.

(End of this chapter)

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