Chapter 1175 A Pair of Broken Sleeves

Yun Qian took a closer look, and saw that the man on the tall horse was actually the eldest prince Chu Yuan.

Her eyes suddenly deepened. Behind Chu Yuan, there was a handsome man in a red robe. Yun Qian also knew that man. He was the man she saw in the East Lake on a painting boat. Yu Yu was more beautiful than a woman. joyous.

At this time, Chu Yuan seemed to have drunk some wine, and he looked very proud on the horse, with arrogance in the corners of his eyes and brows.

Yu Huan stretched out her arms to wrap around Chu Yuan's waist. Yu Huan was already beautiful, but today she sat behind Chu Yuan like that in a red dress, and she was so delicately charming, her gestures and gestures were all sultry.

Yun Qian knew that Yu Huan was very much loved by Chu Yuan these days, and she was still slightly surprised to see Yu Huan and Chu Yuan here.

When Yunqian went out today, she wore a gauze hat on her head. Yuhuan glanced at the crowd and didn't see Yunqian at all, but the light of the lantern happened to shine on Yuhuan's face. There was a hint of sarcasm in Huan's eyes.

When Nangong Wushuang saw Yu Huan, he frowned slightly and asked, "Why is that man so beautiful?"

Yun Qian didn't answer, but Nangong Wushuang asked again: "Who is that man riding in front?"

Yun Qian's eyes deepened, and she said softly, "The eldest prince, Chu Yuan."

Nangong Wushuang was stunned for a moment, and then said in a disdainful tone, "Is that Chu Yuan who likes to raise actors?"

Yun Qian slightly raised her eyebrows, then nodded, but did not speak again.

Chu Yuan stretched out his hand and pulled Yu Huan from behind to the front, and said with a smile, "How is it? This lantern is beautiful? But let me see, you are much prettier than this lantern!"

Although Yu Huan is a man, he has a light figure. When he was pulled by Chu Yuan, he said slowly: "It looks good, but it is not spectacular enough. When I was in Cangzhou in the early years, I saw tens of thousands of people setting off river lanterns together. The whole river is bright, that's the real view. At this time, these lanterns are hanging in the air, they look beautiful, but they have no smell, the stars are not like stars, and the lights are not like lights."

He said these words softly and softly. Although it is a male voice, it is very pleasant to hear.

For some reason, when Yun Qian heard Yu Huan's words, she felt the hairs all over her body stand on end, and Yu Huan's slightly hooked eyes contained too much emotion, which made it hard for people to extricate themselves after seeing them.

Chu Yuan loves Yu Huan very much on weekdays, but Yu Huan is always lukewarm to him, and he doesn't seem to try to curry favor with Chu Yuan because of Chu Yuan's favor and friendship with him.

It was this inseparable look that made it even more difficult for Chu Yuan to extricate himself.

Today, the queen originally asked Chu Yuan to enter the palace to accompany her, but at that time Yu Huan said that it was his first year in Beijing, and he heard that the lanterns in the capital were very beautiful, so he wanted to go and have a look. After returning to the queen, he said that he was unwell, but secretly took Yuhuan out to watch the lanterns.

Because it was a bit late, Yu Huan said to hurry up, so Chu Yuan rode out with Yu Huan himself. Because he came in a hurry, Chu Yuan didn't care whether the horse would kick the people, and ran all the way like flying come over.

Along the way, I don't know how many stalls and pedestrians I kicked down.

Chu Yuan laughed loudly when he heard Yu Huan's words, "What's so difficult about this?"

(End of this chapter)

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