Chapter 1193 Terrible Opponent

"His foundation is not stable and he returned to the capital in just half a year. His father and emperor favored him and entrusted him with important tasks. Such a person is really scary." There was a hint of worry in Chu Mo's eyes.

Chu Han said disapprovingly: "Did the third brother think too much about this matter? I think the eldest brother is too stupid to cause trouble by himself. After such a toss, he has become a stepping stone for the second brother."

Chu Mo's eyes were full of deep thought, but he didn't speak. Chu Han said again: "Anyway, this time the second brother tripped the eldest brother, and the father was furious and locked him in the clan's mansion. I'm afraid it will happen again in the future I can't get out, but it also clears the obstacles on the way for the second brother."

Chu Mo sighed lightly and said: "These are just what you see on the bright side, but the truth is not as simple as you think. Big Brother has done a lot of ridiculous things over the years, and it will be a matter of time before Father cleans him up." Over the years, my concubine and I have spent a lot of thought on the matter of the eldest brother, but with little success, and there has been no chance to completely defeat him. Once the second brother made a move, he was completely ruined. Don't you think the second brother Is it too scary?"

When Chu Mo said this, Chu Han also had a worried look in his eyes, but he said, "It is said that the prince of Chu also made a move that night."

Chu Mo stretched out his hand and lightly pressed his temple, and said softly: "Chu Yuanzhou keeps a distance from the princes on the surface, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that he has the deepest relationship with the second brother. If the second brother doesn't have that much The mind is good. If we have that kind of distraction, our opponent in the future will be the second brother. The second brother is completely different from the eldest brother. He is smart and steady. Being able to return to the capital from Ningde before is enough to prove that he has attracted the attention of the emperor. Pay attention."

Chu Han glanced at Chu Mo and said, "Third brother, don't worry too much. We will talk about this matter as we walk. Although Chu Yuanzhou has a good relationship with second brother, he once said in front of his father that he would not Support any prince, and only be a courtier with peace of mind."

"Do you believe what he said?" Chu Mo asked.

Chu Han's eyes deepened, and Chu Mo said quietly: "I never believed what he said. Over the years, has he said less nonsense? Not one of the ten sentences may be true, he Over the years, he seems to have incurred a lot of romantic debts, and he seems to have become a dandy, but you see, after he returned to Beijing, he went to the Huaishui River for disaster relief in May, and he did everything properly, and then entered the cabinet, handling countless things , Which one thing did he not handle perfectly? Indeed, he has made a mess of some small things, why don't you know that it's his tricks to deceive everyone's eyes by deliberately doing those trivial things? "

When Chu Mo asked, Chu Han didn't know what to say, so he sighed softly.

Chu Mo's eyes darkened slightly, and he said softly, "If Chu Yuanzhou becomes our opponent, he will be the most terrifying opponent."

Chu Han didn't speak when he heard the words, but for some reason he remembered the way Chu Yuanzhou was holding Yun Qian. He couldn't understand why Yun Qian kept rejecting him thousands of miles away. After knowing her true identity, he I understand, for a man like Chu Yuanzhou, no woman in the world can escape his sweet talk, and Chu Yuanzhou is not just a fool who only knows sweet talk, but also a very capable man.

(End of this chapter)

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