Chapter 1221 Getting Started with Layout
Huanyu replied: "The book city is the place where the prince handles official business on weekdays, and the concubine often goes in and out of the study, so the people guarding the study are all people around the prince, so there should be no mistakes."

Yun Qian said in a low voice: "Of course I can trust the people around the prince, but the people in the palace are too complicated. Although the people around the prince are all from the battlefield, they may not be able to deal with the little tricks of the woman. That's all right, you call in all the people who guard the study room on weekdays, and I will talk to them."

Huanyu responded, and then walked out. About a cup of tea, all the guards on duty came in.There are a total of six guards guarding the study, and they are all on duty on weekdays.

Among these guards, Yun Qian knew some of them. Two of them had played the piano on the dragon boat, and she had seen Chu Yuanzhou take them in and out of the palace.

She sized up the guards and said, "Recently, it seems that someone has left or entered the study room?"

"Except for the steward and the princess who came to the study today, no one else came in." The head guard replied.

Yun Qian nodded slightly, but then asked: "Who cleans this place on weekdays?"

"There are two rough maids who clean up." Huanyu replied: "Those two maids are the sons of the palace. The concubine Shizi saw that they were careful earlier, so she transferred them to be on duty in the study. They usually only Apart from cleaning in the study, there is nothing else to do."

Yun Qian's eyes deepened, and she asked Huanyu to call in the two cleaning maids. The two maids were not very old, both around 15 years old, and they looked like elves. One has a very outstanding appearance, with a pair of bright big eyes.

Yun Qian looked at the two of them carefully and said: "The two of you have done a good job recently, and the study is well organized. I am very happy. I will reward you today."

The two maids were overjoyed when they heard the words, looked at each other and thanked each other hurriedly.

Yunqian asked Huanyu to reward each of them with a tael of silver, and then said with a smile: "I heard that both of you have done embroidery work in the embroidery room before, and you both did excellent embroidery work. Now Shuxiu's leg injury has not yet recovered. Great, Huanyu alone can't serve you, I see that you have done a good job these days, and I intend to transfer you to my room to be second-class maids, what do you think?"

When she said this, Huanyu was also a little surprised, and couldn't help but glanced at her, but saw that her brows and eyes were gentle, her smile was dignified and grand, and her beautiful eyes seemed to be able to read people's hearts.

Huanyu felt relieved when she saw Yunqian like this. She has been with Yunqian for so long, and she knows that the gentler Yunqian is, the more dangerous she is. Get hooked.

One of the maids named Liu'er responded immediately: "Thank you, Consort Shi! If Concubine Shizi wishes to let the servants be transferred into the room as second-class maids, servants will definitely serve the concubine with all their heart and soul."

Another maid named Zhu'er also said softly: "This servant is also willing to serve Shi Zifei, but if the two of us go to Shi Zifei's room, who will clean the study?"

"You don't need to worry about this matter, Shi Zifei has her own arrangements." Huanyu said sideways.

Pearl responded, bowed her head and did not speak.

(End of this chapter)

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