Chapter 1234 Love Letter Ecstasy

Many people think that bodyguards only rely on their agility to keep their employers from disasters, but they don't know that a good bodyguard's skills come second. Keeping employers from disasters is the safest way.

Princess Chu sighed lightly and said, "Qian'er..."

Yun Qian gently took Princess Chu's hand and said, "Mother, you don't need to say those unnecessary words. I am very grateful to you for defending me when you have doubts about me today."

Princess Chu felt a little guilty. She defended Yunqian at that time because she was worried about Chu Yuanzhou's face.

She said softly: "Qian'er, I will never doubt you in the future."

Yun Qian just smiled lightly when he heard the words, and it was only then that Chu Yuanzhou realized that the two women he cared about the most in his life these days had also become suspicious because of others' deliberate selection.

Thinking about it now, he felt a little scared, but fortunately Yunqian was quick-witted, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

He whispered to Princess Chu: "Mother, you have no confidence in your son!"

Princess Chu smiled embarrassedly when she heard the words.

Chu Yuanzhou said again: "Although I am not the most attractive man in the world, but no matter what, I also have the appearance of a jade tree facing the wind, and the most romantic temperament in the world. Which woman in the world is wrong to see me?" Desperate?"

Yun Qian punched him and said, "You are so beautiful! You are so bragging!"

Chu Yuanzhou chuckled and said, "If I wasn't so good, how could you be tempted?"

Yun Qian was speechless when she heard the words, but Princess Chu laughed when she heard the words.

Yun Qian said those doubts, Princess Chu could guess some of the things that followed without asking. Presumably, when Yun Qian asked Lu'er to send those things to Prince Jing's mansion today, she already expected that something would happen to Lu'er.

Yunqian had already changed all the embroidery when she was installing the embroidery today, and then took out the love letter that Lu'er stuffed inside while Lu'er was not paying attention.

Thinking of this, Princess Chu had another question: "Qian'er, what happened to Lu Zhu's love letter?"

Princess Chu is also very strange about this matter. She knows that Lu Zhu has deep feelings for the King of Chu, and it is impossible for her to do such a thing. The only thing she can think of is that the love letter is fake, but the writing on it is not It was Lu Zhu's. She didn't quite understand how Lu Zhu could write such a thing.

"That's something I prepared when I was laying out the layout." Yunqian replied: "I heard Yilan say that when my mother heard a maid gossip about me and Prince Jing in the palace one day, Guessing that Lu Zhu must make a fuss about this matter in order to sow the relationship between our mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, so I ordered someone to take out Lu Zhu's account book before, and then invited someone who is good at imitating handwriting to come Write a love letter."

Yun Qian didn't intend to hide these things from Princess Chu, because after Lu Zhu had these things, she was even more unwilling to have a rift with Princess Chu, so all these arrangements were revealed.

And the person who is good at imitating human handwriting was recently asked Huanyu to find him. When she was in Yunfu earlier, she felt that there should be many talented people around her. She found some.

Yun Qian is also a man of means. If he wants to buy those talented people, he only needs to investigate their backgrounds, and then find out their weaknesses, or prescribe the right medicine, or coerce and lure them. His subordinates have already recruited some talented people.

(End of this chapter)

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