Chapter 1238 Gentle offensive
The King of Chu sat there with a cold face and did not speak. Lu Zhu knelt in front of him and said, "My lord, I am loyal to you, how could I do such a scandal? It is clear that someone framed me in this matter, please The prince will check clearly! You are still innocent!"

The king of Chu was angry, and remembering how the princess of Chu came to see him just now, he felt that the stool seemed to be on fire, and he stood up immediately after hearing the words, and Lu Zhu said slowly: "Mo Shangren is independent, The spring flowers bloom slowly. The sunset shines on the shadows of the flowers, and I meditate on the makeup of Yiren. Sitting alone on the empty platform, the swallows are flying together. If you ask you why you are here, listen to the wind."

The King of Chu was about to get angry at first, but when he heard this poem, he was stunned for a moment, standing there tall and straight, but he showed a bit of restlessness.

His eyes opened and closed several times, but he didn't speak.

He wrote this poem to Princess Chu back then, but he wrote it in Lu Zhu's room. After it was finished, he stood there waiting for the ink to dry, but Lu Zhu came in before the ink was dry.

Lu Zhu always thought it was written for her, so he was very happy at that time.

Seeing her smiling like a flower, the King of Chu didn't want to go into details, but felt that he and Princess Chu would be full of labor and swallows in his life, and it would be difficult to sit quietly and enjoy the flowers.

After Lu Zhu got the poem written by the King of Chu, he mounted it in his room at first. When the King of Chu often went to her room and saw the poem, he always felt a little uncomfortable, so he asked Lu Zhu to put it away.

At this time Lu Zhu chanted again, and his heart was even more uncomfortable.

If he and Lu Zhu said there was no relationship at all, that would be self-deception, but if he said that the relationship was deep, that would be self-deception. Over the years, he brought Lu Zhu by his side, seemingly giving her endless favor , but it was just to make Princess Chu show weakness to him and stop being strong in front of him.

But with the passage of time, everything has changed, and the unforgettable love at the beginning has become a little pale and fragile in front of the years.

He felt very uncomfortable for a moment, but there was also an unspeakable hurt.

He stood there without speaking for a long while, Lu Zhu felt that this was an opportunity, and immediately wept softly: "I have been with the prince for so many years, doesn't the prince know what kind of character I am?"

The King of Chu's eyes deepened, and he felt ashamed of Lu Zhu after all.

It's just that today's incident was too much, and I couldn't turn back, so I said slowly: "You will live in the Buddhist hall from now on, and don't come out again!"

Lu Zhu was stunned for a moment. It was within Lu Zhu's expectation that the king of Chu would make such a plan, but she was unwilling to accept it, so she gently wiped away her tears and said, "The prince believes in the words of the son and the concubine. ?"

"Whether I believe their words or not, you have already made a fool of yourself, and you can no longer be by my king's side. This king can't afford to lose that person." The king of Chu was slightly annoyed, and said quietly.

Lu Zhu gently lay down on the ground, and wiped away his tears again. After hearing what the King of Chu said, he knew that the King of Chu also had some guesses about this matter, but the matter had come to an end and there was no better way.

Her eyes deepened, and she bowed deeply to the King of Chu, and said as she bowed: "It is my blessing to be with you in this life. I am afraid that I will not be able to take care of you in this life. I only hope that you will be in good health." , a life free from disease and disaster.”

(End of this chapter)

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