Chapter 1242
Because Chu Yuanzhou was born to the concubine Chu, the king of Chu showed great love and care for Chu Yuanzhou.

Lu Zhu always thought that even if she didn't get King Chu's love, at least he had her in his heart, but only now did he realize that the only thing he cared about in his heart was Princess Chu and Chu Yuanzhou.

After all, she is nothing.

Lu Zhu glanced at the bloody pillar very sadly, and by this time, she no longer had the courage to die again.

And these years, she has paid a lot for Chu Wangfu, but this time Chu Wang clearly knew that she was wronged, but he didn't stand up and say a word for her, but threw her to another courtyard!
She sneered a few more times sadly, but slowly stood up.

The door was pushed open, and Chu Tianqi and Chu Tianyou rushed in. Seeing her appearance, Chu Tianqi was shocked and said, "Mother, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Zhu's eyes finally had a sense of humanity. At this time, she already understood that among the kings and nobles, the status of women has always been miserable. Husbands are often depended on, and only their children can be trusted. It is the root of oneself.

She stretched out her hand and touched Chu Tianqi's face. Seeing that she was covered in blood, Chu Tianqi felt a little scared, looked at Chu Tianyou and said, "Brother..."

Chu Tianyou's eyes were full of coldness at this time, and he said slowly: "Mother, don't be sad, as long as there is one life left, we can get back those things that should belong to us."

Seeing the deepness in Chu Tianyou's eyes, Lu Zhu's heart tightened immediately. She gently pulled Chu Tianyou and said, "Your..."

She only called out to Chu Tianyou, she felt her eyes darkened, she couldn't hold on any longer, and passed out.

Chu Tianyou and Chu Tianqi were shocked, they hurriedly helped her back to the room, and then went to invite the doctor over.

Yunqian soon got the news of King Chu's punishment of Lu Zhu. After hearing these things, her eyes became darker. She thought that this time King Chu would be soft-hearted and go to protect Lu Zhu. Unexpectedly, King Chu He actually ordered Lu Zhu to live in another courtyard.

She thought about it again, but sneered, but she understood that King Chu was actually protecting Lu Zhu in a disguised form by doing so.

Because as long as Lu Zhu stays in Chu Wang's mansion, he will meet Yun Qian every day, and according to Lu Zhu's somewhat strong temper, he will definitely attack her. Sooner or later, Lu Zhu will die in her hands.

In the final analysis, the king of Chu still loves Lu Zhu and does not want her to have another accident, so this seems to be a matter of punishment, but it is actually a matter of protection.

Yunqian has always had a good impression of the King of Chu, but now seeing the handwriting of the King of Chu again, she couldn't help but sighed softly.

She can think of this level, and Chu Yuanzhou can naturally think of it. Chu Yuanzhou shook his head lightly, but he didn't say a word. The matter between the King of Chu and Lu Zhu was not something that could be broken down in twos and fives. of.

He originally wanted to take the love letter and throw it in the face of King Chu, but Princess Chu took the love letter. Princess Chu took the initiative to go to King Chu. He originally wanted to stop him, but he also knew that Chu The concubine's temperament, as long as the concubine Chu wants to take care of this matter, she will definitely take care of it thoroughly, and he can't persuade her.

He used to think that there was a grievance between King Chu and Princess Chu, but now, this may be the fate of the two, and he is afraid that they will be entangled until death.In the past, the princess of Chu had always been indifferent to the king of Chu, and he felt that there was nothing wrong with it. Now that the princess of Chu wanted to intervene in this matter, he would not feel that there was anything wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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