Chapter 1244
"The son is the master of the palace, so he will never know the thoughts of the slaves in the palace." Chu Zhifang said softly: "It is not the slaves who have the heart, but they are powerless. Earlier, the son was young, so maybe he didn't understand the thoughts of the prince. But I have been with the prince for many years, how can I not know it. Since the princess fell ill, the prince seemed dissatisfied with these things on the surface, but secretly asked me to find a lot of doctors to see the princess. Over the years, Lu The side concubine adopted Mama Huang to torture the concubine, but the prince should also know, if the concubine was in a coma these days, how could the concubine live to this day with the torment that Mama Huang tortured the concubine?"

Chu Yuanzhou snorted coldly, looked at Chu Zhifang and said, "My concubine fell ill, I'm afraid you are an accomplice."

Chu Zhifang smiled wryly and said: "The concubine Shizi is well versed in medical principles. I can see that although the concubine has been abused by Mrs. Huang these years, her body is not so weak that there is no cure. How can she live like this after being poisoned like that?" long time."

Regarding this matter, Yun Qian has long been suspicious. Although the poison of Ghost Face Youhe is not very overbearing, it is still very powerful. Normally, after one or two years of illness, the body will be completely hollowed out, even if it is cured later. It may be difficult to fully recover from the poison, but Princess Chu has been lying on the bed for so many years. Although her body has become very poor, there is still a chance for treatment.

She had carefully observed the people around Princess Chu, but she didn't find anyone who wanted to save Princess Chu.

When she heard Chu Zhifang's words at this time, she glanced at him and said: "You mean that the father asked you to protect the road side concubine, but you secretly protect the princess?"

"Where do I have such skills." Chu Zhifang sighed softly and said, "It was the prince who spent a lot of effort searching for the elixir, and thus saved the life of the princess."

Chu Yuanzhou was slightly startled when he heard the words, and Yunqian was also taken aback for a moment. Originally, she thought that Chu Zhifang was going to put gold on her body, but she didn't expect that she was speaking for the king of Chu.

Chu Zhifang said in a low voice: "The prince's thoughts on the princess may not be known to the son, but the servant can see clearly."

Chu Yuanzhou narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "Why don't you plead for yourself?"

Chu Zhifang smiled and said: "This time Concubine Lu side took action against Concubine Shizi, I did help Concubine Lu Side, this is a fact, I have nothing to say."

Yun Qian glanced at Chu Zhifang when she heard the words, but saw that he was in his forties, he was a little thin, his eyes were not too big, but they were very calm, and there was a scar on his left face. It is said that the scar It was the injury he suffered when he went to the battlefield with the king of Chu.

His head was slightly lowered, but neither humble nor overbearing.

Seeing his appearance, Yunqian understood why the King of Chu trusted him to take care of the trivial matters in the Prince Chu's mansion. She also saw his ability during the days when she was feeding in the palm of her hand.

In addition to his ability to manage, Chu Zhifang is also a good person. I am afraid that because of Lu Zhu's incident today, he was already thinking about everything, so he didn't plead for himself when he came in, but he was going to marry the king of Chu and Chu. After the concubine's affairs were finished, he then talked about his own affairs.

The most wonderful thing is that when he talks about himself, he doesn't defend himself at all.

Yun Qian smiled and said: "The steward has kept the palace in good order over the years. After the princess woke up, she once praised you in front of me."

(End of this chapter)

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