Chapter 1255 Marriage Matters
The meaning of Princess Chu's words is very clear, because the king of Chu dotes on Lu Zhu, and also dotes on Lu Zhusheng's children. Even though Lu Zhu is out of favor now, the king of Chu is worried about their affairs, so she doesn't need to worry about them. people's marriage.

But everyone knows that since ancient times, most of the children's marriages have been handled by the mother, and Chu Wang is usually a busy person, so he doesn't care about these trivial matters in the palace.The king of Chu never asked about the concubines who were married off in the palace.
And the words of refusal came from Chu Tianyou's mouth, and it was too late for him to repent at this time.

After Princess Chu said that, she dragged the concubines and concubines in the palace to talk about a lot of things. After nearly half an hour, she let everyone go back.

As soon as he left the room, Chu Tianqi pulled Chu Tianyou and said, "Brother, the princess is making a fuss about our marriage, what should we do now?"

Chu Tianyou's heart was also full of complications, he looked at Chu Tianqi and said, "Don't worry about this matter, let's see what she will do first, even if the father is not decent, it is impossible to point us to a bad marriage .”

Chu Tianqi bit her lips lightly, and Chu Tianyou said again: "Sister, mother is not in the prince's house now, we must be more calm and careful, and we must not mess ourselves up."

Chu Tianqi sighed softly, and Chu Tianyou's eyes were full of viciousness, he said slowly: "Princess Wang seems to be very powerful, but in fact it is Yun Qian who is doing the strange thing. As long as Yun Qian is removed , mother will come back naturally, and the old monster Wangfei will not have any troubles."

Chu Tianqi looked at Chu Tianyou and said, "Brother is right, but if Yunqian is so easy to deal with, mother won't fall into her hands."

Hearing this, Chu Tianyou sneered, his eyes were filled with coldness, and he slowly said: "Mother's dealing with her is just a girl's trick, and in the end it's nothing more than a small fight. The entire Chu Palace was originally owned by my mother. Qian, this bitch, is doomed to have no good results."

Chu Tianqi looked at Chu Tianyou strangely and said, "Brother, can you think of a good solution?"

But Chu Tianyou said in a very flat tone: "I didn't think of a good way, but I still have some ways to deal with Yun Qian."

Chu Tianqi said with some concern: "Mother warned me before leaving, let us not provoke Yun Qian, that is not a person I want to be with. Let's not talk about how mother was defeated by Yun Qian, just say When Yunqian was in Yunfu, Yunyan and Yunchu knew what happened. I heard that Yunyan wanted to harm Yunqian earlier, but in the end she lost her virginity. She married King Ming in a seemingly incomparable way However, he did not get favored by King Ming for a day, and the reason for this can be understood. Yun Chu was originally the son of the Yun family, and he should have a bright future, but because he participated in the house fight, now that the eldest prince died, Yun Xiang He is even more disappointed, now that he is focusing on his second son, Yun Chu has not had any fame so far."

Chu Tianqi didn't return to the capital for a long time, but due to her steady temperament, she began to investigate Yunqian's affairs in detail as soon as she returned to the palace. It seems that there is no absolute relationship with Yunqian, but as long as she thinks about it a little, she can know that those things are inseparable from Yunqian.

(End of this chapter)

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