Chapter 1257 Rejected
It's just that when Zhu'er saw Yun Qian use Lu'er the next day, she was a little worried. She thought that Yun Qian didn't understand the hints of the patterns she embroidered, so she had to give up.

But in just a few days, something happened to Lu'er and she was beaten to death by Yun Qian.

Yun Qian glanced at Zhu'er and said, "You really know a lot!"

Zhu'er lowered her head slightly, and said softly: "Zhu'er heard that the imperial concubine likes to read books, and Zhu'er also likes to read books, so she showed off in front of the imperial concubine, which made the imperial concubine laugh."

Yun Qian saw that although she didn't talk much, she looked neither humble nor overbearing at this time, she was actually a rare and steady character, she smiled and said: "So in your heart, you are guessing me like this, you know, there are not many people in this world People dare to guess my mind."

Zhu'er gave a light gift and said: "It's not that I dare to guess what the concubine is thinking. It's just that I feel a little distressed when I see the concubine's tragic illness over the years. After seeing the concubine entering the palace, she went out for her. I really don't want my son to be beaten down by the roadside concubine."

After hearing her words, Yun Qian smiled and said: "You are a solid girl, it's hard for you to remember your mother's teachings."

After hearing Yun Qian's words, Zhu'er was stunned for a moment and said, "Is the imperial concubine aware of the life experience of the servant?"

"If I didn't know, how would I see you today?" Yun Qian said unhurriedly: "Your mother was originally a maid in the princess' room, but she was kicked out of the palace when the princess fell ill. Your mother was worried The concubine fell ill, and it just so happened that the Chu Palace wanted to buy another batch of maidservants, so you sold yourself to the Chu Palace, am I right?"

Zhu'er has been in the palace for five years, and now she is only 14 years old. When she was nine years old, she sold herself. Such a little girl really has some heart.

Zhu'er was stunned for a moment, but her eyes turned red slightly, she said softly: "It is true that I can't hide anything from Shi Zifei, it's just that after I entered the palace, I was just a lowly maidservant, and I really couldn't take care of Wang Fei."

Yun Qian glanced at her and said, "It's quite rare for you to have such thoughts."

Zhu'er said softly: "The concubine, don't praise me too much. When I entered the palace, on the one hand, I wanted to take care of the princess. On the other hand, my parents died and my livelihood was cut off. He wanted to find a way out for himself.”

Yun Qian smiled lightly when she heard the words: "There are many self-proclaimed people in this world, and there are not many people who tell the truth like you. This is good, from today onwards, you will no longer be the cleaner in the study, until you come to my Come and be a second-class maid in the room!"

Zhu'er shook her head lightly and said, "I don't want to enter Shi Zifei's room."

After she finished speaking, she probably felt that it was inappropriate to refuse directly, so she lowered her head immediately, not daring to look at Yun Qian, her small face was slightly red, she looked a bit shy and cute.

Huanyu scolded: "Many maids in the palace have sharpened their heads and wanted to be a maid in the room of the Shizi Concubine, but you still refuse!"

Zhu'er gently knelt in front of Yun Qian and said: "The concubine Shi Zi knew that I came to the palace to take care of the concubine, so I begged the concubine to pull me into the concubine's room, and my mother's wish would be fulfilled."

Seeing that Zhu'er is thin in stature but has a temper, Yun Qian actually rejected her at this time, which is a bit interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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