Chapter 1261
Seeing the despair in Nangong Wushuang's eyes, Yun Qian couldn't bear to let Nangong Wushuang be so disappointed, and immediately said: "I have a prescription here to cure this symptom, but you'd better find a way to send the prescription back earlier. "

"Okay." Nangong Wushuang agreed wholeheartedly, and then ordered someone to fetch a pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Yun Qian took a pen and ink to think about it, and finally wrote a prescription, but she also knew that this prescription could not have saved Mrs. Ruan's life at all.

After she finished writing, Nangong Wushuang happily took Fang Zi over, and then muttered to himself: "Mother, you will be well soon."

Yun Qian couldn't bear to look at Nangong Wushuang's appearance. She felt that her situation in Yunfu was already miserable, but after seeing Nangong Wushuang, she realized that Nangong Wushuang's situation was probably even worse than her.

She also felt panicked in her heart, and she didn't want to see Nangong Wushuang full of hope again, so she chatted with Nangong Wushuang again, then got up and left.

Nangong Wushuang was very happy to get the prescription prescribed by Yun Qian. Whenever she was happy, she liked to climb to the top of the tree to look at the moon.

Tonight is the night of the [-]th, the sky is very good, cloudless, and the moon is bright.

She half-lyed on the branch and looked at the moonlight in the sky, thinking of the scene of watching the moon with the wolves on the grassland when she was a child, she felt warm again, and felt that even if Chu Yi didn't love her, as long as her mother was in good health Get up, that's enough.

She was lying on the branch, and as the night was getting darker, she also faintly felt sleepy.

But at this moment, she heard a soft creaking sound from the side door in the post house. She was sleepy and didn't care much at first, but she heard Ash's voice: "You bastard, at this time What are you doing here? If the princess sees it, I'm afraid it will cause some suspicion."

The visitor said softly: "Lord Ash, Your Majesty has received your letter, knowing that the Princess is going to marry Prince Jing, he sent me here to give you a message."

Ash asked, "What news?"

"The king said that Princess Wushuang was not a member of the royal family in the first place, so how could she be worthy of being the prince of Da Zhou? Already." The voice of the visitor was a little low.

Nangong Wushuang was sleepy at first, but when he heard these words, his drowsiness disappeared immediately, and his eyes suddenly opened, filled with disbelief.

Ash paused for a while and said, "Is this really what the king meant?"

"Of course, who dares to falsely pass on the meaning of the king?" the visitor said softly.

Ash shook his head lightly and said, "I see, I will arrange this matter."

Nangong Wushuang lay motionless among the branches, his eyes were filled with despair, he understood that when King Tuoyin sent her here for marriage, he never thought of letting her go back.

But the person who came said: "Your Majesty has something to say. After the princess dies, you will make a fuss in the capital of Dazhou. Although Princess Wushuang is not the king's daughter, she is the daughter of the king. Because of her reputation, so she really died in Dazhou, Dazhou would have to pay Tuoyin some things no matter what, if not, Tuoyin's horses would not be sold to Dazhou again."

Nangong Wushuang didn't know much about state affairs, but she knew that Chu Han had gone to Tuoyin to buy horses earlier. If she had the exquisite thoughts like Yunqian, she might be able to guess more things.

(End of this chapter)

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