Chapter 1266 Just the opposite
Chu Yi knew that Nangong Wushuang must have been greatly stimulated to say such words.

He pondered slightly and said, "What if I don't agree to your request?"

Nangong Wushuang glanced at the half-circle moon, and said in the coldest tone of her life: "Then the prince will kill me right now! Anyway, for me, once the person closest to me dies, I will live or die." It doesn't matter anymore."

After hearing her words, Chu Yi's eyes darkened, and he said slowly: "Okay, I promise you!"

In fact, for him, reaching such an agreement with Nangong Wushuang couldn't be better, and he doesn't need to betray his feelings anymore.

Nangong Wushuang smiled at him, feeling relieved, unable to hold on any longer, his body limply fell backwards.

Chu Yi stretched out his big hand, and finally hugged her into his arms.

Ash looked at Chu Yi and sent Nangong Wushuang back. Chu Yi was a bit cold-tempered, and he didn't give any explanation. He only told the attendant behind him: "Take my waist card and go to Chu Palace. Then tell Shizi that the princess is injured, and ask Shizi to accompany Shizifei to the posthouse."

When the servant heard his arrangement, he quickly retreated, and soon Chu Yuanzhou rushed over with Yun Qian.

Chu Yi said to the two: "Let's keep the matter of the princess's injury a secret for the time being. If it is reported to the father, there may be a change. I will work hard tonight."

Chu Yuanzhou put one hand on his chest and supported his chin with the other, and said, "Suicide?"

Chu Yi shook his head and said, "He killed him."

Chu Yuanzhou glanced at Chu Yi and said, "Are you a hero saving the beauty?"

"That's right!" Chu Yi replied.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "In this way, your Meijiaoniang will probably give up on you in the future. The hero who saves the beauty is the easiest to capture the heart of the beauty. Ah Yi, you will be blessed in the future."

Chu Yi heard him talking more and more out of tune, and immediately frowned slightly: "I'm afraid that things are exactly the opposite of what you speculated."

Chu Yuanzhou felt a little strange when he heard the words, and couldn't help but look at Chu Yi again, his eyes were full of inquiries.

Chu Yi also had a lot of doubts about what happened tonight, and he didn't explain it right now.

Chu Yuanzhou shrugged lightly, Chu Yi didn’t say anything and he didn’t ask anymore, but he came out and said to the Xi Po who had already woken up: “The concubine and the princess are good friends, the concubine is here to accompany the princess tonight, you all Waiting outside. Whoever dares to say a word about what happened tonight, I don’t need to say anything about the consequences.”

After he finished speaking, he took out a bag of gold leaves from his bosom and distributed them to those happy women.

The happy women know Chu Yuanzhou's methods, and they also know that things are a little weird tonight, and Chu Yi is here, who dares to tell these things.

Yun Qian heard Chu Yuanzhou's actions in the room, and felt a little admiration for him in her heart. Today, the two of them had already fallen asleep when they received Chu Yi's news. gold leaf.

She looked at the knife stuck in Nangong Wushuang's body, feeling a little regretful in her heart, she should not have left when she came to see Nangong Wushuang today, if she hadn't left, Nangong Wushuang might not have been injured.

She took a closer look at Nangong Wushuang's injury and knew that she was not seriously injured. After thinking about it for a while, she took out the medicine to stop the bleeding from the medicine box she carried with her, and said to Chu Yi: "My lord is very strong. Lord Lao pulled out the knife."

(End of this chapter)

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