Chapter 1268 Breaking the Strings of Love
At this moment, Yunqian couldn't tell what kind of feeling she was feeling in her heart. She just felt that the pain was a bit heartbreaking, and she felt that the so-called angina was nothing more than that.

She is a doctor, so she can clearly tell that the severe pain in her heart at this time is not due to physical pain at all, but from the pain in her heart.

The source of the pain was reluctance, because the strong reluctance gave her an impulse in her heart, and she wanted to run forward impulsively to pull Nangong Wushuang and Chu Yi off the horse.

Since Tuo Yin is a nation on horseback, and Chu Yi is a military general, Nangong Wushuang does not need to sit in a sedan chair to welcome the relatives today, and Chu Yi directly takes them back to Prince Jing's mansion on horseback.

Chu Yi immediately felt that something was wrong, and finally looked back, only to see Yun Qian's painful expression.

He was suddenly worried, but at this time the crowd was crowded, and he knew that he absolutely couldn't get off his horse to see Yun Qian.

It was only a few feet away, and in the eyes of Chu Yi at this time, it had become a huge gap, which could no longer be crossed.

Chu Yi understands that he and Yun Qian are afraid that there is no way to cross that gap. In many cases, the difference between a thought is a farewell, not to mention that the difference between the two is not just a thought.

Chu Yi sighed softly. In the sound of music and firecrackers, others could not hear it at all, but Yunqian felt that she heard it. What's more, she was still heartbroken at this time.

Many memories flew before Yun Qian's eyes, and she felt extremely uncomfortable. She had an idea in her heart telling her that she should run to prevent Chu Yiyi from marrying Nangong Wushuang, but her rationality told her that she must not go.

She only felt that her heart was full of torment, just when she felt that she could not hold on any longer, Chu Yuanzhou suddenly appeared in front of her, hugged her lightly and asked, "Qianqian, what's wrong with you?"

His words poured into her restless heart like a ray of hot spring. She suddenly woke up, and those illusions disappeared without a trace. In an instant, her spiritual altar was clear, and she replied softly: "I'm fine!"

There was concern in Chu Yuanzhou's eyes, she smiled at him, threw herself into his arms lightly, and said in a low voice, "Yuanzhou, I'm really fine."

Seeing her pale face, Chu Yuanzhou became more worried.

The corner of Yunqian's mouth raised slightly and said, "Yuanzhou, from now on, there will be no other man in my heart."

At the beginning of the severe pain just now, she felt extremely uncomfortable. The entangled feelings in the past reached the highest point at that moment, but suddenly disappeared completely when Chu Yi led Nangong Wushuang away on horseback.

Although she still had those memories in her heart, she no longer had the feeling of scratching her heart and lungs that she had before. She felt more calm in her heart, and suddenly felt a lot lighter in her heart.

Chu Yuanzhou didn't understand the meaning of her words at first, but after a little thought, he finally understood the meaning of her words. Then the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and he stretched out his hand and hugged Yun Qian into his arms.

He said that he didn't mind that Yunqian had something about Chu Yi in his heart before, but he was a little concerned in his heart, but he also knew that it was not Yunqian's wish, but the spell cast by the snow mountain saint, and now she has no Chu Yi in her heart , she is her, from now on she will only have him in her heart, how can he be unhappy?
(End of this chapter)

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