Chapter 1271

Chu Yi got up to thank him. The queen looked at the magnificent Chu Yi with complicated thoughts, but there was an unspeakable depression. She didn't like Chu Yi, but the Chu Yi in front of her looked extremely good.

The queen's eyes were deep, but she also smiled and said: "I still remember the appearance of Prince Jing when he was just born. Twenty years have passed in a flash, Prince Jing has grown up, and today he is married to a concubine. Really happy."

Chu Yi's eyes were narrowed, but the queen had asked the maid behind her to fetch her wedding gift for him.

Chu Yi accepted it calmly, but kept holding Nangong Wushuang's hand. Seeing that there was a very fine bracelet in the gift from the queen, he didn't speak, picked it up and put it on Nangong Wushuang's hand, and then Said in a very indifferent tone: "This bracelet is very suitable for you."

This kind of behavior should be extremely gentle, but Chu Yi has always been cold, even if this kind of words that should be soft are a bit hard, there is not much warmth.

The emperor, queen, and civil and military officials on the side all smiled lightly when they saw this scene, and everyone immediately understood that Chu Yi's cold face was not because he was dissatisfied with this marriage, but because he was simply such a temperament .

Only Nangong Wushuang could feel that although Chu Yi looked gentle when he put on the bracelet for her, his hands were icy cold without any warmth. She said softly, "Thank you, my lord."

Chu Yi just responded coldly, which was regarded as a response to her thank you.

The emperor felt relieved when he saw Chu Yi's appearance. He is a generation of emperors, so it can be seen that Chu Yi doesn't have much affection for Nangong Wushuang, and Nangong Wushuang's identity is really only for Chu Yi to do. With such a move, it seems intimate but actually alienated, but it just shows the demeanor that a prince of a dynasty should have, but it will not make people feel that Chu Yi is cold towards Nangong Wushuang.

Chu Mo brought Yun Yan to attend Chu Yi's wedding. After seeing Chu Yi's actions, he took a look at the emperor sitting above him, and he clearly saw appreciation from the emperor's eyes.And no matter what efforts he had made over the years, the emperor had never looked at him with such eyes.
His eyes darkened a little, but there was a little more chill in his eyes, but he smiled from the side: "Congratulations to the second brother for embracing a beautiful woman today!"

Chu Yi glanced at him lightly, and said slowly: "Ming Wang is polite."

Chu Mo smiled slightly, but stopped talking.

"Congratulations, Prince Ming!" A hearty voice came.

Chu Yi turned his head and saw that it was Chu Yuanzhou. His eyes were unconsciously more gentle, but he just bowed in return as a gift. The two seemed familiar but not too close.

Chu Yuanzhou was still debating whether to bring Yunqian to Chu Yi's wedding, but after hearing what Yunqian told him today, he felt indifferent.

He walked into the hall holding Yunqian's hand. Yunqian still wore a gauze hat on her head today, and the two looked very close.

Chu Shu had also arrived a long time ago, and when he saw Yun Qian and Chu Yuanzhou walking over like that, he felt a little chill in his eyes.

Chu Yuanzhou directly regarded the eyes of the crowd as air, and immediately held Yun Qian's hand very calmly and gave a big gift to the emperor and empress.

The emperor nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Yuan Zhou and Shi Zifei are really a pair of strangers."

(End of this chapter)

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