Chapter 1274
The killer left very quickly, running in a weird and unattractive manner, but disappeared very quickly. He came in first, but he was the only man in black who escaped.

So far, most of the men in black in the hall have been beheaded, and those who were caught also took poison and committed suicide.

The big wedding, which was originally full of festivities, has now turned into corpses all over the floor.

The emperor's face was gloomy and terrifying, Chu Yi knelt in front of the emperor and said: "Today is my minister's dereliction of duty, please punish me."

Chu Yi is the leader of Jing Jiwei. The original law and order in the capital should be under the control of Chu Yi. Chu Yi can hardly absolve himself of the blame for what happened today. However, he took the initiative to ask for punishment at this time, but let the emperor's His eyes became colder.

The emperor said angrily: "Even though today is your big wedding, you are the leader of Jingjiwei after all. If something like this happened today, you should be punished!"

Chu Yi bowed and stood there, and responded lightly.

Eunuch Zhu supported the emperor and said, "Please move to the side hall, Your Majesty."

The emperor snorted coldly. Surrounded by a group of guards, the emperor arrived at the side hall. The corpses in the hall were quickly cleaned up, and even the blood that splashed back was quickly washed away. Clean, it looks like nothing happened just now.

The emperor had never been so frightened since he ascended the throne. Sitting there at this moment, his face was extremely ugly, and the queen's expression was also extremely ugly. Standing in front of the emperor, Chu Yi and Chu Yuanzhou did not speak.

The ministers of the court and other princes rushed forward to plead guilty. The emperor saw the minister kneeling on the ground, his face was full of anger, and he sneered, "When I was in danger just now, where did you all go?" It was just a weak woman who rushed forward to save me, and now you come to me to plead guilty, you really deserve to be punished!"

Since the emperor ascended the throne, he had never said such serious words to his courtiers. At that moment, all the princes and ministers knelt on the ground and dared not move.

Chu Mo said in a soft voice: "Just now, the minister's escort is not good, please punish the emperor."

"If it wasn't the concubine who sacrificed her life to save her, I'm afraid I was killed by an assassin just now. If something really happened, would it be useful to punish you?" The emperor's eyes were full of displeasure, and he spoke very bluntly.

Chu Mo's eyes darkened a bit, and he fell on the ground and dared not speak any more.

Chu Shu said from the side: "It's true that I'm wrong today, but Jing Jiwei is in command of Prince Jing, and today is also Prince Jing's wedding. It's probably not auspicious for something like this to happen on the day of Prince Jing's wedding."

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes slanted and said: "Why do I feel strange when I hear the words of the fourth prince? What do you mean that the commander of Jingjiwei is King Jing, and today is the wedding of King Jing. The fourth prince has seen who has enough to eat and has nothing to do. Ruin your own wedding?"

Chu Shu glanced at Chu Yuanzhou and said: "Jing Jiwei commanded all the soldiers and horses in the capital. In addition to maintaining the security of the capital, they also need to protect the safety of the entire capital. Today, only a few thieves almost hurt the emperor. , Prince Jing, the commander of Jingjiwei, has really failed his duty."

There was a bit of chill in Chu Yi's eyes when he heard Chu Shu's words. He has been the commander of Jingjiwei for several months, and he has been in peace for the past few months. He has always acted extremely carefully, but also I can't stand these people being so bold that they would assassinate the emperor on his wedding day.

And the root of these contradictions is that he holds great power in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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