Chapter 1276 How to Reward
Chu Yuanzhou smiled shamelessly and said: "Don't dare, dare not, I just thought about it carefully, and I think what Qianqian said makes sense, it is indeed too dangerous just now, if I had known that those people would fight like that Well, I brought a sword with me when I came to Prince Jing's wedding, and if they dare to disturb the holy driver, I will kill them one by one."

The emperor smiled faintly when he heard the words, and felt that although Chu Yuanzhou looked foolish, if there were not Chu Yuanzhou and his wife today, he would have to be assassinated today even if his life was not in danger.

The emperor quickly suppressed the smile on his face, and said in a cold voice: "Although Chu Yi made mistakes today, he can't be blamed entirely. Chu Yi obeys the order. I order you to find out the truth within three days. fierce!"

Chu Yi bowed to receive the knowledge, and did not make any excuses.

He acted like this, but the emperor was quite satisfied.

The emperor glanced at Chu Shu, and then snorted coldly: "My princes are all the same in my eyes. Those who have ulterior motives and evil intentions should put away their thoughts as soon as possible. Although I am old , but still not old-fashioned!"

When Chu Shu heard the emperor's words, he knew that the emperor was blaming him, and he couldn't hold back.

The emperor glanced at Yun Qian and said, "The Concubine Shizi has done a great job in saving you today, what do you want me to reward you for?"

Chu Shu really felt a little annoyed at Yunqian in his heart, if she hadn't said those things, the emperor would not be angry with him, but he was not easy to talk at the moment, but he turned his head and glanced at the court behind him.

The Minister of the Household Department said softly beside him: "Your Majesty, three months ago, I gave the imperial concubine a first-rank order and rewarded countless jewels. If I reward you again, I'm afraid it will be illegal."

"The servant of the household department means that the father's life is not as important as the law?" Chu Yi said coldly from the side.

Hearing the words, the household servant didn't know how to answer, he was stunned for a moment, and could only say: "I don't mean that, the emperor's life is naturally the most important."

Chu Yi immediately made a big gift to Yun Qian and said, "Today, the princess concubine sacrificed her life to save her father, and she is my great benefactor, Chu Yi."

He didn't promise anything more to Yunqian, but there was another meaning in his words.

Seeing him saluting, Yun Qian hurriedly jumped away and said, "Prince Jing has won the award. The emperor is in trouble. I think anyone will come forward to save me. I just did what I should do."

When the emperor heard Yun Qian speak like this, he felt more and more that she understood etiquette, and immediately nodded slightly, and then said to Yun Qian: "Whatever you want, tell me what you want."

Yun Qian didn't expect the emperor to speak like this. She originally wanted the emperor to remember her kindness, so that she could have protection in the future. The most ideal thing is naturally the gold medal to avoid death, but she is a courtier. If it is a gold medal, I am afraid it will attract a lot of suspicion.

And if you don't want anything at this time, you feel too bad.

Yun Qian's eyes turned immediately and said: "If that's the case, the minister's wife will boldly ask the emperor to ask for advice, and let the son of the world treat me wholeheartedly in the future, and stop looking for flowers and willows like before."

As soon as she made such a request, the heavy atmosphere around her dissipated a lot, and most of the ministers in the court called her a fool in their hearts, and then gave her the hat of a shrew in their hearts.

Even Chu Yuanzhou couldn't help reaching out and touching his nose.

The emperor smiled and said: "This is a private matter between you husband and wife. Although I am the king of a country, I'm afraid it's not easy to ask about it."

(End of this chapter)

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