Chapter 1294 Continue to copy the scriptures
Sure enough, King Chu frowned slightly. He looked at Princess Chu and said, "You asked her to copy Buddhist scriptures?"

"Yes." Concubine Chu directly admitted: "I think Concubine Luside has been too evil and impatient in recent years. I was afraid that she would not think about it after she went to other courtyards, so I asked her to copy more Buddhist scriptures to sharpen her mind." temper."

Yun Qian wanted to laugh when she heard the words, who said that Princess Chu didn't know about house fighting, but she just disdained it before, this sentence is really wonderful, it shows the majesty of the head of the house, and it makes things reasonable, even if It was the king of Chu who still wanted to favor Lu Zhu, but he might not find any rebuttal.

King Chu turned his head to look at Princess Chu. At this moment, a butterfly flew towards Princess Chu and landed on her hair. Princess Chu didn't notice it, but King Chu's eyes were full of surprise.

Seeing the expression in King Chu's eyes, Princess Chu didn't know why, and then she just said slowly, "My lord, what's wrong with my arrangement?"

What Chu Wang was thinking at this time was not this matter at all, but the way he and Princess Chu were dancing in the flower field back then. On that day, there were many butterflies flying beside her.

Back then, she was delicate and beautiful. Years passed by, and the years left many marks on Princess Chu's face. No matter how superb Yun Qian's medical skills were, it was impossible for Princess Chu to return to her previous appearance.It's just that after these days of conditioning, Concubine Chu's body has recovered and her complexion has long been rosy. Although she is no longer as beautiful as a girl, she has a taste that has been precipitated by time.

The King of Chu looked obsessed, and he stretched out his hand to break the butterfly on Princess Chu's hair. When the butterfly was startled, it fluttered its wings and flew away.

Only then did Princess Chu realize that there was a butterfly on her hair, her eyes narrowed slightly, she took a step back, and then asked: "Does your lord think there is anything wrong with my arrangement? If so, please The prince pointed it out."

Seeing her retreating, the king of Chu came back to his senses. He said flatly, "There is nothing wrong with her. She was at fault in the first place."

Concubine Chu bowed slightly to the King of Chu, and then said slowly, "Thank you, Lord, for your understanding."

After she said this, she wanted to turn her head back to the room. After walking a few steps, she seemed to remember something, and then she turned her head and looked at King Chu with a smile that was not a smile, and said, "Concubine Luside is the prince's heart, since the prince has come In the other courtyard, the concubine on the side of the road cannot come to see the lord if she wants to copy Buddhist scriptures, and the lord misses her even if she wants to come, why don't you go and see her in person!"

Her voice was very soft, but there was a hint of sarcasm in her eyes, revealing layers of coolness.

Chu Wang was a little angry when he heard her words at the beginning, but when he saw the expression on her face, his anger disappeared. The spring made him feel a little more throbbing that didn't belong to this age.

When Princess Chu turned her head, he said to the woman: "Since Concubine Luside wants to copy Buddhist scriptures, then go ahead and do not come out to greet Wangfei and me."

Princess Chu's eyes moved slightly, she glanced at King Chu, and sighed softly, almost inaudibly.

After the king of Chu said this, the old woman stood there in a daze, but he ignored the old woman, turned his head, and followed Princess Chu into the room.

Yun Qian and Chu Yuanzhou looked at this scene, and they glanced at each other, with a faint smile overflowing from the corners of their mouths.

(End of this chapter)

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