Chapter 1299

Only another slightly hoarse voice was heard: "Wealth and wealth are always sought in danger, if you don't have the guts, I'm afraid you won't be able to do anything."

"But you also know Shizi's temperament. If you let him know that we lied to him, I'm afraid you can chop us all into meat and feed them to dogs."

"We didn't lie to him. We just asked him to go back to Beijing to facilitate things there. As long as the business is completed, one person will get 1 taels of silver. We can fly far away if we get the money, so that he can never find us again. "

"You underestimate Shizi too much. There is no one in this world that he can't find! I can't do what happened this time anyway."

"Don't talk about yourself so lofty, but you can't help but not do this thing. I have already arranged everything for you. If you do it, they will be fine. If you don't do it, they will be fine." Blame me for being rude!"

"You are shameless!"

Another person said with a sinister smile: "Man dies for money, and birds die for food. I just want to live a better life. I will kill anyone who blocks my way of making money! Even if we have been friends for many years!"

"I knew that you were acting shamelessly, but I didn't expect that you would treat your friend for many years like this!"

"I have no choice, who told you not to cooperate?"

When Yun Chu heard these words outside, he didn't feel that the person who forced people to do things was too shameless, but felt that he and he were really on the same path.And looking at the heirs of the princely family of the Manchu Dynasty, there is only one Chu Yuanzhou who can have such a great ability.

He wanted to knock on the door of the room, but he expected that the door would suddenly open, and a strong man rushed out, slashing at Yun Chu with a knife, Yun Chu was shocked and said: "You are going to deal with Chu Yuanzhou, I also want to deal with Chu Yuanzhou, we are our own people!"

"We don't know what you're talking about!" A man with a scar on his face said viciously, and the big knife in his hand was already slashing towards him.

Yun Chu hurriedly said: "I heard what you just said, you don't have to hide it from me!"

The eyes of the other black-faced man were full of frost, thinking that if this matter continued, something might happen, so he stabbed at Yun Chu with his knife, ruthlessly and quickly.

Yun Chu is just a frail scholar. At this time, there happened to be a tree with a crooked neck in front of him. He stepped back, knowing that if the news of these killers in the world was leaked out, he would definitely kill people and silence him. He felt that he acted too hastily just now. some.

Yun Chu had no choice but to turn around and run away.

The black-faced man wanted to stab again, but the scarred face stopped the black-faced man and said: "This kid is a bit like the young master of Yunfu."

"The concubine Shizi is the third young lady of Yunfu, why don't you let him go and report?" The dark-faced man's eyes were full of anxiety.

Scarface said in a hoarse voice: "That's because you don't know the shady things in the Yunfu. Yunchu and the Shizi Concubine are in dire straits. I believe his words."

While the two were talking, Yun Chu had already run out of the alley.
The black-faced man was full of worry. He looked at the black-faced man with a scar and said: "As long as you know who he is, there is nothing to be afraid of. If he really leaked the news, we can go directly to Yunfu to find him." , we will definitely not let him have a good life."

The black-faced man was still worried, and wanted to throw the big knife in his hand as a flying knife. As long as the knife was thrown, it could stab Yun Chu into a transparent hole.

(End of this chapter)

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