Chapter 1306
Yun Qian laughed when she heard the words, but said: "I also think this method is good. It cannot be denied that it is very interesting to scare her like this."

"By the way, how do you know that she pushed someone into the water and drowned?" Chu Yuanzhou asked curiously.

Yun Qian raised her eyebrows and said, "How could I know about her shady things? The thing about pushing people into the water is guesswork."

Chu Yuanzhou looked at her and said, "Can you guess such a thing?"

Yun Qian smiled and said: "Before I came to this world, I read a lot of novels about traveling through the house. The most common thing in the novels is the scene of pushing people into the water. After I came to this world, I found that this scene is really pretty. Practical, basically there will be a pond in every mansion, falling into the water is the most difficult to get a handle on, it is really a good way to kill people."

Chu Yuanzhou laughed when he heard the words, but Yun Qian said again: "Let's leave first, I feel something is wrong just sitting in this room."

The corpse hanging at the door belonged to Grandma Tian. Until now, Chu Yuanzhou hadn't fully understood the plan of Grandma Tian and Lu Zhu. Ever since the incident with Mrs. Huang, Chu Yuanzhou hated those grandmas who robbed others.

In the past, he still had some feelings for Huang's mother, but when Yun Qian took action again, he didn't personally deal with Huang's mother, but his treatment of Tian Po was completely different.

It is impossible for him to keep such a servant who dares to kill his master for his own future.

That's why he just put Yunqian under the attic and ended Granny Tian's life with a rope.

He fought on the battlefield for a long time, and his strikes were quick and ruthless, Tian Po died before she could struggle, his martial arts were superb, it was not difficult to hang Tian Po to the door without a sound.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled when he heard the words, and stretched out his hand to take Yunqian out of the room. After the two returned to the room, Yunqian took off the human skin mask and said, "Yuanzhou really has a bad taste. He even wore a human skin mask when he went out."

Chu Yuanzhou said indifferently: "It's not that I want to go out with a human skin mask, but that my aunt asked me to make some human skin masks for her earlier, and after I made them, I put them in my clothes pocket and didn't take them out. "

Yun Qian's eyes deepened, she knew that if she didn't use the human skin mask today, she might not be able to scare Lu Zhu, and seeing Lu Zhu's appearance tonight felt that she really relieved her hatred.

It's just that when Lu Zhu woke up and found her lying with Tian Po's body, he didn't know how he would react.

She has some expectations for what will happen tomorrow morning.

It was getting late at this time, she yawned and lay down with Chu Yuanzhou to rest.

Chu Yuanzhou was aroused by Yun Qian earlier, but seeing that it was getting late at this time, and what he had just experienced made him feel too disgusted, he lost his mood, and immediately hugged Yun Qian in his arms.

Yun Qian's health wasn't very good at all, after tossing around for most of the night, she was already exhausted, and soon fell asleep in his arms.

Chu Yuanzhou was lying there and couldn’t sleep no matter what. He remembered many things. He used to think that the killing on the battlefield was very bloody, but now he feels that in the back house, the jealousy of women is not as good as that on the battlefield. The killing is even bloodier.

On the battlefield, most people would know how they died, but in this back house, as long as many women were a little stupid, they would not know how they died.

(End of this chapter)

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