Chapter 1309
Chu Yuanzhou's cold voice sounded: "Father really knows how to smile and cherish jade."

The King of Chu was silent, but Chu Yuanzhou looked at Lu Zhu with a smile and asked, "Last night, Concubine Lu was really frightened. I wonder if Concubine Lu saw the scene where the evil spirit killed people?"

"The night is too dark to see clearly. I only know that the evil spirit is extremely vicious and vicious. With a knife, he chopped Tian Guanshi into pieces so quickly that the concubine fainted from fright." Lu Zhu seemed to think of what happened last night. Also feel extremely scared.

She stretched out her hand to hug the King of Chu even tighter, and instead of looking at Chu Yuanzhou, she just wept softly: "My lord, that evil ghost said that he would come to find the concubine every night in the future, saying that this Buddhist hall originally belonged to her. I'm so scared, don't live here anymore!"

She cried until the pear blossoms were raining, she looked so pitiful.

Although the King of Chu was angry with her, he still had some feelings after all. Seeing her like this, he couldn't bear it. In addition, he was aggrieved by Princess Chu last night. This look gave birth to a bit of pity.

Chu Yuanzhou knew the temperament of King Chu very well. Seeing the appearance of King Chu and Lu Zhu at this time, he felt a little disgusted. He sneered and said, "Concubine Lu Fang said that Guanshi Tian was killed by that evil ghost. He was hacked to death with a knife, but if that was the case, the ground would definitely be covered with blood. But there is no other blood here except for some black blood, which proves that after Tian Guanshi was killed, let him People chopped it up."

When he said this, he looked at Lu Zhu steadily. Lu Zhu was trembling all over, and he got into King Chu's arms even harder. She cried, "I was so scared to death last night, how can I remember those things clearly?" matter!"

King Chu didn't speak, but Chu Yuanzhou said again: "When she came in just now, Concubine Lu Fang seemed to be very clear about how that evil ghost killed Tian Guanshi."

Lu Zhu screamed: "My lord, help me! That evil spirit is here again!"

She pointed at the hanging basket hanging in mid-air beside her, her body trembled even more, and she kept shrinking into King Chu's arms.

Seeing her appearance, Chu Yuanzhou felt even more disgusted. He sneered, glanced at King Chu and said, "What do you think my father thinks about this matter?"

King Chu's eyes narrowed slightly and he said: "People are killed first and then dismembered, and the interval between them is at least two hours, because the blood that bleeds is very little, and the blood is already a little solidified. "

Chu Yuanzhou sneered and said, "My father makes a lot of sense!"

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Lu Zhu who was in King Chu's arms.

What he meant was very clear, no matter how frightened Lu Zhu was last night, it was impossible for him not to have the slightest impression of when the person was killed and when he was dismembered.

The only possibility is that Lu Zhu is lying.

The king of Chu has fought on the battlefield for a long time, so these things are naturally very clear, as long as Chu Yuanzhou is a little bit, he will understand in his heart.

He glanced at Lu Zhu in his arms, Lu Zhu looked very scared, but also seemed real, and if he tortured Lu Zhu at this time, he felt that it was too cruel after all, so he stood there without saying a word. move.

Seeing King Chu's appearance, Chu Yuanzhou's eyes turned cold, he smiled coldly, stopped talking, turned around and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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