Chapter 1319 Can You Dance?

When the pear tree was just repaired earlier, the pear tree did not grow, but the wisteria grew here early in the morning. At that time, a pavilion was built with wood, and it became the best place to escape the heat in summer.

Yun Qian still hasn't figured out why Lu Zhu asked Tian Po to bury something here. Chu Yuanzhou only told her that the thing was very dangerous and told her to stay away from it, but he didn't know what it was.

It's just that when she didn't think about it, Princess Chu said from the side: "My favorite back then was pear blossoms, followed by wisteria. I spent a lot of effort to move that pear blossom from the White Mansion back then. The variety of pear tree is very strange. It bloomed undefeated in the past, and the pear matures after the flowers die. After I moved this pear tree here, it can only produce a few sparse flowers. Let's admit it!"

Yun Qian's eyes deepened, and she saw that the grass under the pear tree was well paved, and there was no trace of it unless she looked carefully.

She was just about to speak to Princess Chu, but she saw the King of Chu slowly walking over with Lu Zhu.

Seeing Lu Zhu at this moment, Yun Qian's eyes darkened immediately, but Princess Chu's eyes became three points colder.

King Chu also saw the two, his eyes flickered, but he didn't speak.

When Lu Zhu saw the two of them, he gave a salute to them, with a slight smile on his pale face, with a timid expression on his face, but he said softly, "I've seen the princess."

Yun Qian thought of Tian Po's body, and when she saw Lu Zhu's appearance, there was a smile in her eyes, she was right to watch a show.

Concubine Chu saw a chill in Lu Zhu's eyes, but said slowly: "Concubine Lu Fang was frightened last night, and she looked even weaker."

Lu Zhu said softly: "No matter how weak I am, I can't compare with the princess. I heard that the princess could dance on people's palms before. That's the real weak."

Princess Chu's eyes became colder, but Lu Zhu said with a smile: "I almost forgot that the princess is the prince's main concubine, so why would she do those things again? It happened many years ago, and I am afraid that I will never see the supreme grace of sister Wangfei again in this life."

Princess Chu sneered and said, "Indeed, because you are really unworthy."

It was the first time Yunqian heard Princess Chu speak like this. Seeing Lu Zhu's ugly face, she added softly beside her: "It's true that Concubine Lu's dancing posture is not something that Concubine Lu Side can see, but I always feel Concubine Luside has many abilities that my concubine mother will never be able to match in this lifetime."

Lu Zhu glanced at Yun Qian, Yun Qian only felt a chill coming, but Yun Qian had never seen any kind of storm, and Lu Zhu's gaze was really drizzle in Yun Qian's eyes.

So Yunqian said with a faint smile: "If it wasn't for this, how could the father have favored Concubine Luside alone for many years?"

Lu Zhu's eyes became colder, but he chuckled lightly and said, "The concubine Shizi was joking, how can I have such skills. I heard that the concubine can dance with fingertips earlier, and I was very envious, so I used to I learned it with my heart, but I never danced it in front of others because I couldn’t keep face down. It will be difficult to see the prince in the future, but today I want to dance in front of the prince, hoping to catch the prince’s eyes.”

Her words sounded insignificant, as if the dancing was just a whim.

The King of Chu and Lu Zhu have been together for many years, and they have never seen Lu Zhu passing by. He was a little surprised and asked, "You can dance?"

(End of this chapter)

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