Chapter 1329 Make her lose her voice
Because of that vague impression, Lu Zhu comforted himself, thinking that someone with ulterior motives came to scare her on purpose last night, so when she saw Tian Po's body at dawn, she was not terrified to the extreme. Seeing Tian Po's body and came back to his senses.

She took advantage of that even more.

Seeing that scene at this moment, Lu Zhu's heart immediately rose to his throat, and he was about to yell, but found that she couldn't make any sound.

Yun Qian flicked her hair slightly, and looked at Lu Zhu with a half-smile.

If Lu Zhu was suspicious about the ghost encounter last night, then when she saw Yun Qian at this moment, she only felt that she had really encountered a ghost.

What surprised her the most was that after Yunqian crawled out of the cabinet, Princess Chu also crawled out. Lu Zhu's eyes were wide open, and he unconsciously leaned against the bed.

Yunqian's eyes were full of coldness, and the corners of her eyes and brows were full of sarcasm. When she crawled out of the cabinet just now, she deliberately released the hair, in order to scare Lu Zhu at that moment, so that she would have time to poison.

Due to the fire in the nunnery tonight, most of the servants in the palace went to fight the fire, and some of the servants who did not go to fight the fire went to watch the excitement, so there were no servants in this room to wait on them.Even if someone came in at this time, Lu Zhu had told her before that she needs to rest at this time and not let anyone come in to disturb her.

As a result, it gave Yun Qian and Princess Chu a chance to make a move.

Yun Qian helped Princess Chu out of the cabinet. Princess Chu's face was as cold as frost, without any expression.

Lu Zhu only thought that these two people were evil spirits, and they came to seek her revenge at this time, and she shrank into a ball in fright, but she soon realized something was wrong, that is, under the shadow of the lamp, Yun Qian and Princess Chu There are shadows on both of them.

As soon as Lu Zhu saw this scene, the fear in his eyes became stronger. There are not many people who have seen ghosts in this world. In her opinion, people in this world are much scarier than ghosts!
She wanted to smile at the two of them before speaking softly.

It was only at this time that she realized that it was because she was too scared in her heart that she couldn't smile forcefully, and because Yun Qian had used poison, she couldn't say a word.

When Yunqian saw her smile that was uglier than crying, the mockery in her eyes was even heavier, but she turned her head to Princess Chu and said, "Mother, Concubine Luside is smiling at you, look, this How does the smiling face compare to what I saw this afternoon?"

"Unbelievably ugly." Princess Chu made a brief comment.

Several maids also walked out supporting each other. Shuxiu's legs and feet were not good, and she was almost carried out by Huanyu and Zhu'er.

Lu Zhu opened his mouth wide, opened and closed his mouth, but couldn't make any sound. Princess Chu sneered when she saw her like this, and then said unhurriedly: "Do you feel very scared and very scared? uncomfortable?"

Lu Zhu turned pale after hearing her words, but he didn't care about the injuries on his body, got up from the bed, and fell to the ground in front of Princess Chu, as if he was begging Princess Chu.

Concubine Chu's eyes were full of coldness, she said softly: "You just feel scared and uncomfortable like this, do you know what I endured during the years when I was made unconscious by you."

Her voice was extremely cold, filled with layers of chill, mixed with strong forbearance, no hatred, only endless coldness.

(End of this chapter)

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