Chapter 1341 No Love
Lu Zhu raised his hand slightly, but he was thinking in his heart that maybe her death would let Chu Tianqi understand how tragic the struggle in the back house was, so maybe it wasn't a bad thing.

It's just that if the king of Chu killed her in front of Chu Tianqi today, he was afraid that it would cause great harm to Chu Tianqi's heart.

She only felt that the strength in her hands was losing, and her consciousness was also slackening. She knew that no matter how worried she was, Chu Tianqi could only go the rest of the way.

She coughed lightly, and a mouthful of blood flowed out of her mouth. She no longer had any strength in her body, and the hand that was raised in mid-air to touch Chu Tianqi suddenly lost strength and fell down heavily. .

Chu Tianqi burst into tears and shouted loudly: "Mother, mother, don't die!"

Seeing Chu Tianqi's appearance, the king of Chu sighed softly. He took another look at Lu Zhu lying on the ground, and he didn't know what it was like for a while.

The reason why he loves Lu Zhu so much is not because he really loves Lu Zhu so deeply, but because he feels that he owes her a lot because of a single thought over the years.

But today, he personally killed her!

The sword in King Chu's hand fell to the ground, and his eyes were slightly closed. At this moment, Princess Chu's voice was heard: "What happened?"

Hearing her voice, King Chu suddenly opened his eyes, only to see Princess Chu walking slowly with the support of Yun Qian in a lavender floor-length dress.

Princess Chu asked such a question, but no one answered her.

At this moment, when Chu Yuanzhou saw the two of them, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He rushed up to meet her and said, "The concubine Luside went crazy just now, and she hugged the guards to make a mess of marriage. The father couldn't see her, so he killed her with a sword." .”

Princess Chu was slightly startled when she heard the words, and raised her eyes to look at the King of Chu. Seeing her gaze, the King of Chu looked at her with deep eyes, but he didn't know how to face her, and all the emotions that seemed to be love, hate, and helplessness surged up. heart.

Princess Chu's eyes narrowed slightly, and she said unhurriedly: "Oh, that's really a pity!"

The King of Chu sighed softly after hearing Princess Chu's words, but asked, "Why are you here?"

"My lord is asking me why I'm not in the nunnery!" Concubine Chu said slowly, "After lunch, Qian'er and I went out for a walk to digest food, and then Qian'er said that it's interesting to enjoy pear blossoms at night, so we went together I went to enjoy the pear blossoms. I saw the fire just now, and I felt a little strange in my heart, so I came back to have a look. It’s just that the two of us walked a little farther, and it took some time to walk back. But I didn’t expect that when we came back, we saw Such a thing."

As soon as she finished speaking, she softly proclaimed the Buddha's name, and then slightly closed her eyes.

Chu Yuanzhou gently pulled Yunqian's hand and said, "Qianqian, are you okay?"

Yunqian shook her head lightly, but seeing that he was covered in blood, she said softly, "What's wrong, Shizi?"

"I didn't know why I was chased and killed before. I just heard what Concubine Lu said and found out that she sent someone to rob and kill me. Fortunately, I am destined, otherwise I might not be able to come back tonight." Chu Yuanzhou He said slowly, in fact, he was not in danger of his life, but in this situation, of course he had to exaggerate the matter a little.

After he finished saying this, he squinted at King Chu, but saw that King Chu's face was extremely ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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