Chapter 1353
King Chu's eyes were filled with darkness, and he said slowly: "Yes, for you, it will be very good to live like this in the future. Now that Lu Zhu is dead, you are the mistress of the palace. There is Yun Qian by your side to help you, it is not difficult to take care of these things in the palace, Zhou'er has grown up now, smart and mature, and he respects you very much in his heart, so this kind of life can be passed."

After hearing what King Chu said, Princess Chu's eyes became darker, and she turned her head to look at King Chu again. King Chu's eyes dimmed, and he said slowly: "I know about Lu Zhu, and I also know that you are very serious. Hate her. It's just Jingshu, are you really happy when you live like this?"

Concubine Chu was about to speak, but King Chu jumped ahead of her and said, "I know that you have hated me to the bone all these years, but don't you think that you can't escape the situation that day?"

"My lord is right." Concubine Chu said slowly, "If I hadn't married my lord back then, I think there would be no such things in the future, and the White House would not be what it is today."

King Chu's eyes were full of pain, but Princess Chu said in an extremely flat tone: "So when the emperor bestowed a marriage on the prince and me, I should have preferred to die."

King Chu's eyes turned red, and the hand holding Princess Chu became much stronger.

Princess Chu was in pain, but she didn't make a sound, she just looked at King Chu with extremely cold eyes and said, "Thinking about the choice I made back then, I still have some regrets in my heart. I won’t be sad when I think about it in this life. It’s just that I think about many things too simply, and the simplicity makes me feel that I did a lot of stupid things back then.”

King Chu's eyes closed slightly, and his heart was full of pain, but Princess Chu said again: "It's just that I still want to thank the prince for today's matter, he was a little bit biased towards me at the last moment, and he didn't take care of the authentic things in the nunnery." Tell Lu Zhu, let me survive the disaster, and I can still stand here and talk to the prince at this time."

King Chu opened his eyes, looked at Princess Chu quietly and said, "I know a little about Lu Zhu's temperament. If she hates someone, she will be more ruthless."

"It turns out that the prince has always known it!" Princess Chu said with chills in her eyes, "I always thought that Lu Zhu was perfect in the prince's heart."

The King of Chu didn't answer, but Princess Chu said again: "Anyway, I have to thank the lord for what happened this time. I was in the lord's room that night. The lord promised me and basically did it. Up to now, I have Will keep his word."

King Chu's eyes moved slightly, he looked at Princess Chu and said, "You keep your word?"

Princess Chu glanced at him and said calmly: "Although the lord and I have been married for many years, we have not had sex for many years. When the lord came to ask for sex that night, although I refused the lord, I made the request at that time, and the lord did it." , then from now on we will still be husband and wife, and when we return to the palace, I will have someone prepare a set of princely utensils in the room."

At this time, the King of Chu was sad and happy, annoyed and ashamed when he heard Princess Chu's words. He looked at Princess Chu and said, "You are threatening me, and you are also trying to lure me."

After he finished speaking, his heart was extremely complicated, and he only felt that his life had played a big joke with him.

(End of this chapter)

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