Chapter 1357
King Chu sat down on the chair. He is a man, so he naturally knows what it means for a man to be inhumane. After pondering for a while, he said, "There is no chance at all?"

The doctor shook his head, and the King of Chu supported his head with one hand and said, "If that's the case, try to save him! No matter what, you must save him."

The doctor responded, turned around and began to clean the wound for Chu Tianyou, and then prescribed a prescription for the servants to go get the medicine.

After the king of Chu waited for the doctor to finish his work, he finally said, "God bless the injury so badly, you must not tell other people about it."

The doctor replied: "My lord, don't worry, protecting the patient's privacy is the way of a doctor."

King Chu nodded lightly, then walked out, but met Chu Tianqi with swollen eyes at the door, seeing Chu Tianqi's extremely ugly face, her eyes were full of disbelief, Then he knew that Chu Tianqi probably heard what he and the doctor had said just now, and immediately said calmly: "Qi'er, don't worry, the doctor will try his best to save Tianyou."

Only then did Chu Tianqi raise her eyes to look at King Chu. At this time, King Chu seemed very strange to Chu Tianqi. There was a coldness in her eyes. She sniffed her nose lightly, feeling that the anger in her heart was helpless. She came out, intending to scold a few words, but somehow remembered Lu Zhu's confession to her before his death, and she knew that among this king of Chu, the real master was only the king of Chu.

Even though she seems to be very favored by the King of Chu on weekdays, after she has experienced these things, she clearly knows that the most important things to the King of Chu are Princess Chu and Chu Yuanzhou. After all, she is just a dead man. It's just my mother's concubine.

From now on, she has to rely on herself for everything, and her father has become a stranger to her.

At this moment, Chu Tianqi suddenly felt that she had matured, and everything she knew before had changed, and her life had completely changed, crying and making noises were useless at this moment.

She suppressed all the unhappiness in her heart, and she gently bowed to King Chu and said, "Thank you, father, Qi'er doesn't ask for anything else, but asks father to find a doctor to treat the second brother's injury."

King Chu nodded lightly and said, "Don't worry, your complexion is not good, go back and rest!"

When Chu Tianyou was carried back, Chu Tianqi cried all night and sat next to Lu Zhu's body for a long time during the day. She couldn't bear it anymore and fell asleep, so she didn't come here until this time.

Chu Tianqi said softly: "I want to go in and see my second brother."

The King of Chu thought for a while, nodded his head and strode away.

When Chu Tianqi entered the room and saw Chu Tianyou's appearance, her tears immediately rolled out. She wanted to cry, but felt that crying at this time was too cowardly. She wanted to hold back, but she couldn't hold back It was so uncomfortable that he had no choice but to cover his mouth to prevent himself from making a sound, and then ran out of Chu Tianyou's room like a gust of wind.

When she returned to her room, she finally couldn't help crying, her thin body was shaking violently, and the maid beside her couldn't persuade her when she saw this scene, but stood beside her worriedly.

Chu Tianqi felt that it was only a day's work, and her life was over. The mother who doted on her the most was gone, and the life and death of her best brother was uncertain. Even if she survived, she would be inhumane in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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