Chapter 1368 Wuchen's Wrath

Yunluo didn't go to help Yunzheng, she walked away a little after she finished spreading the beans, and seeing Yunzheng falling forward, she was shocked and said, "Second Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Yunzheng stretched out her hand to find something to hold on to, but the rose was full of thorns everywhere, and she couldn't grab it with her hands. She was so frightened that her face turned pale.

She gritted her teeth, not caring how sharp the thorns on the rose were, and grabbed it with a cruel hand. Seeing that she was about to stand still while leaning on the wall, she didn't expect to step on the moss under her feet, and her body straightened again. fly forward.

If an ordinary person fell like this, at most they would break their legs and arms, but Yunzheng was three months pregnant at this time, so if she fell like this, the child in her belly would not be able to survive no matter what.

Seeing this scene, Yunqian couldn't care less at the moment, she ran forward with all her might, she knew how important the child in Yunzheng's belly was to Yunzheng, she would rather the person who fell down be yourself.

When her eyes swept over the beans on the ground, her eyes were full of coldness. She didn't expect Yunluo to be so vicious that she couldn't tolerate the fetus in Yunzheng's womb!Her gaze swept across Yunluo's face like a knife, and there was murderous intent in her eyes.

When Yunqian ran towards Yunzheng desperately, Yunzheng's body had slipped far away, seeing her body was on the stone pillar that fell to the side, Yunqian shouted: "Don't!"

At this moment, a person rushed out from a diagonal stab, very quickly put his body on the stone pillar, and then stretched out his hand to support her shoulder.

His hand was hit by her shoulder, causing severe pain, but he didn't let go, but used the force of the collision to hold Yunzheng into his arms.

Yunzheng was terrified, and just rolled into his arms in a daze, her stomach rested on his stomach, and she didn't receive any impact, even so, her complexion still changed.

Ye Wuchen put his arms around her and asked, "Are you okay?"

His voice was full of concern, and his eyes were full of worry.

Yunzheng said softly: "I'm fine, why are you back at this time?"

"It's early today, so I came back earlier. Fortunately, I came back in time. If I come back again, the consequences will be disastrous." Ye Wuchen's voice was filled with endless coldness.

Although there is no relationship between him and Yunzheng, but if she stays in Yefu for a day, she is his wife for a day, and his wife can't tolerate anyone bullying her, let alone Yunzheng is still pregnant at this time. with his flesh and blood.

His eyes were cold, and he swept across Yunluo's body coldly. Ever since Chu Mo got married last time and Yunzheng asked him to take Yunluo's house, he had become very disgusted with Yunluo. In his opinion, Yunluo is really shameless to the extreme, even her own sister is so persecuted, her character is extremely bad.

Although he didn't see what happened today, he also knew that today's events had something to do with Yunluo.

At this time, Yunqian had already rushed to Yunzheng. Although she was a little late, her eyes were full of worry and concern.

Ye Wuchen looked at Yunqian like this at this time, and his mood was a little complicated. He had thought about the scene where he and Yunqian would meet again many times, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

He knew that the relationship between Yunzheng and Yunqian was deep, and he had hoped that Yunqian would come to Yefu to see Yunzheng before, so that he could meet Yunqian, but Yunqian had never been to Yefu a few days ago.

(End of this chapter)

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