Chapter 137 Princess Qionghua
Yunqian raised her eyebrows slightly when she received Chu Yuanzhou's post. She naturally knew the reason why he wanted to see her. He probably didn't have a good rest these days, so he deserved it for bullying her.

Bai Mifan stretched his neck out of the cage and yelled at Yun Qianguai a few times.

Yunqian glanced sideways at Bai Mifan, her eyes were full of smiles, but her smile was somber, Bai Mifan shivered unconsciously, screamed, and quickly retracted her neck, this woman How ruthless it is, it has seen it once, and it dare not confront her again.

Seeing the appearance of white rice, Yunqian raised her eyebrows slightly, which was just a matter of wit.

Yunqian thought for a while, and decided to go to the old lady first, she said softly: "Grandma, Shizi sent someone to send a post, and I haven't married him yet, so it's unreasonable to go out like this, please invite grandma Resign for me."

He wanted to see her, but she didn't really want to see him.

The old lady smiled and said: "Qian'er is knowledgeable and reasonable, I am very happy, and you are right to worry, I will send someone to send the post back to Chu Palace."

Yun Qian smiled and thanked, unexpectedly after the post was returned, Chu Yuanzhou sent another post the next day, but this time one was given to Yun Qian and one to the old lady.

The one given to the old lady detailed Yun Qian's various benefits, and it was clear that she just wanted to ask her what she thought about their marriage and what she wanted to buy.

It's the first time the old lady has seen such a thing after living for decades, but Yunqian's marriage has always been what Chu Yuanzhou and Yunqian wanted, and there is no order from their parents, and the words of the matchmaker, these methods are very suitable Chu Yuanzhou's temperament, but if Yun Qian went out to meet him like this, it seemed too frivolous.

No matter how the old lady met, as far as she is concerned, as long as Yun Qian and Chu Yuanzhou are not married, no matter whether the marriage is arranged or not, it is better for them not to meet after all.

So he returned the post, and only said tactfully: "My son has a heart for the fifth girl, please respect the fifth girl."

The post that Yunqian received had only one word: "Little fairy, if you don't come to see me again, I will climb into your bed tonight."

Yun Qian disapproved of this threat-like post and threw it into the fire, then clapped his hands lightly. He never does things by talking, and he would have done it if he wanted to.

Besides, his injury didn't heal so quickly, does he have that ability?
Chu Yuanzhou saw the post that the old lady came back and threw it directly into the fire, his eyes were gloomy, but he smiled at the fire: "You have the guts, you dare to set me up, but you dare not see me, look How will I deal with you in the future?"

Yunqian waited for another day, but there was no news from Chu Yuanzhou, her eyebrows were raised.

On the second day, a sedan chair landed at the gate of Yunfu, and Princess Qionghua personally invited Yunqian to go out to the lake.

Princess Qionghua is in her thirties this year, and she has been a widow for many years. She is notoriously dissolute and has a bad reputation in the capital, but she is the most beloved little sister of the current emperor. No one dared to say anything in front of her in terms of words and deeds.

There is such a person in Yunqian's memory, but in the past, it can be said that the two had no intersection at all. Princess Qionghua came to visit her in the lake, and she felt extremely surprised. to her cabin.

(End of this chapter)

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