Chapter 1375 Greed is a curse
Yun Yan sneered, but then asked: "You and Second Sister are both born to your aunt, and you two have a good relationship. How about it, Second Sister ate the bird's nest stewed by you."

Yun Luo didn't know that Yun Yan had drugged the bird's nest earlier, but today, seeing Yun Qian smashing the medicine bowl, and hearing Yun Yan asking about the bird's nest, she felt a little suspicious in her heart. Originally also a smart person, and also well versed in house fights, she immediately understood that she was almost going to be tricked by Yun Yan today.

But she said in a slightly annoyed tone at the moment: "Don't mention it, the concubine Shi Zi is here today, as soon as she saw that bowl of bird's nest, she picked it up and smashed it, it really made me mad."

Yun Yan's eyes darkened a bit, she glanced at Yun Luo and said: "You are really worthless."

Yun Luo didn't dare to answer, Yun Yan smelled a fragrance in her nose, she frowned and said, "When did you change the spice, this smell is really special, where did you buy it?"

Yunluo originally planned to let the maid try on what the perfume was, but when Yunyan asked, she felt a little more thoughtful, if Yunqian wanted to harm her, then she could use Yunyan to try it out. is a good idea.

Yun Luo also knew that Yun Yan had always been somewhat jealous of Yun Qian. Although she hated Yun Qian deeply, she couldn't do anything to Yun Qian, but she was also full of guard. If she said that the perfume was given by Yun Qian, Yun Yan would definitely not use.

She coughed lightly and said: "It's not a good spice either. It's not as good as what the princess usually uses, but the smell is a bit fresh."

Seeing Yun Luo's complexion changed, Yun Yan immediately snorted coldly and said, "Why, why don't you even let this concubine see something good?"

She knew Yunluo's temperament. Among the sisters, Yunluo was somewhat scheming. When Yunluo and Liu Ying were born with Su Qiaohui, Yunluo was very cute on the surface, but in fact she had a lot of bad ideas.

Yunluo took out the bottle of perfume pretending to be unwilling when she heard the words, Siqi took the perfume away from Yunluo's hand very rudely, Yunluo saw that Siqi bullied her on the head When I came, I felt very unhappy, and thought to myself, after I gain power, I must get rid of you, a smug maid.

Yun Yan took the bottle of perfume from Siqi's hand, put it between her nose and smelled it, and felt that the fragrance was different from the one she usually used, it smelled refreshing and had a special taste.

She immediately took the perfume in her hand and said: "It's not bad, Siqi, give Miss Si a tael of silver."

Seeing Yun Yan's hook, Yunluo was a little happy, but also a little worried, she said slowly: "Princess, this fragrance is very precious, I..."

"Why, I still can't use it?" Yun Yan's eyes were full of disdain and said: "Do you think the money is too little? Chess, give Miss Fourth a tael of money." 
After she finished speaking, she said with great disdain: "It's just a bottle of incense, it's really a treasure!"

Yunluo gritted her teeth, her face was full of reluctance, but she didn't dare to say anything more. When Siqi took out the silver, she stretched out her hand to take it and said softly: "This fragrance is hard-won. I never bought it. I bought it from a wandering peddler. He refused to sell it at the time. It took me a lot of effort to persuade him to sell it to me. It is naturally the best if the princess likes it, but I am afraid that I will not be able to buy it after I run out. coming."

(End of this chapter)

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