Chapter 1377

Ye Wuchen said indifferently: "You have wounds on your hands, let me feed you!"

After he finished speaking, he gently supported her back, letting her lean into his arms, but with the other hand, he had already handed the medicine bowl to Yunzheng's mouth. The two of them rarely had such an intimate act. Normally, Yunzheng could smell the faint fragrance of ink emanating from his body.

Yunzheng was a little uncomfortable, and said in a low voice: "I just moved my fetus, there is nothing else, the medicine is still drinkable."

After she finished speaking, she reached for the bowl again, Ye Wuchen still didn't move, her eyes just looked at her hands that were wrapped into a ball, Yunzheng raised her eyes to look at his side face, but saw him sideways His face was still as cold as ever.

She said again: "I can really drink by myself, you are usually busy, so don't worry about me, and there is Nana by my side to serve me..."

"If I hadn't arrived in time today, do you think you still look like this at this time?" Ye Wuchen said coldly.

Yunzheng was stunned for a moment, Ye Wuchen said sharply again: "Nai Nai, is this how you take care of the young lady?"

Nana felt a little guilty when Ye Wuchen gave her such a drink, and hurriedly said, "It happened suddenly today..."

"I don't like to listen to excuses." Ye Wuchen glanced at Nana and said, "Go to the punishment room to get five boards yourself!"

He usually has a gentle temper and rarely gets angry, but he has always said what he says.

Nana immediately turned into a bitter face when she heard the words. She looked at Yunzheng a little aggrieved. Yunzheng has a cold temper, but she is kind-hearted. It's really none of Nana's business, so let's just skip this board!"

Ye Wuchen turned his head to look at her and said: "The master has such a big incident, the slave is the most responsible. If you protect the slave like this, I'm afraid that the slave will bully you in the future."

There was a bit of helplessness in Yunzheng's eyes, knowing that what he said was reasonable, but she couldn't see Nana being beaten. After she married to Yefu, she didn't bring a maid from Yunfu. Nana was always by her side to serve her , but also very attentive.

She said lightly: "Five notes on the board are too heavy, two notes will be enough!"

Ye Wuchen glanced at Nai Nai and said, "If the Young Madam hadn't interceded for you this time, one of the five boards would have to be missed!"

He said that he agreed with Yunzheng's words. Nana felt that Ye Wuchen today was a little different from before. She secretly glanced at Ye Wuchen and saw that he was still holding Yunzheng halfway. The two boards are worth it.

She immediately said to Yunzheng: "Thank you, Young Madam, for pleading."

After she finished speaking, she gave up and walked out slowly.

After Yunzheng saw Nana walking out, she couldn't help but glance at Ye Wuchen. Ye Wuchen's eyes were dim, and she pushed the bowl closer to her side.

Yunzheng was about to reach out to pick it up again, but Ye Wuchen snorted softly and said, "If you want to force yourself to drink the medicine, my mother will order the torture room to beat Nana with [-] slabs. You can try it."

His tone was a little cold, and the meaning in his words made Yunzheng a little annoyed, she said angrily, "Why are you so unreasonable today?"

Ye Wuchen said coldly: "In the past, I was too reasonable in front of you, which made you have so many thoughts, thinking of sending Yunluo to my bed, wanting to use Yunluo's hand to kill me child, there is no door."

(End of this chapter)

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