Chapter 1383 Someone Wants Death
After the King of Chu returned to Beijing, he carefully investigated the past affairs of Lu Zhu. In the past, Lu Zhu was favored, and his servants would not dare to talk about Lu Zhu in front of the King of Chu. Now that Lu Zhu died, those servants talked about Lu Zhu. The bamboo thing is not too polite.

The king of Chu heard that Lu Zhu used to do business to make money when he was not in the palace. When he heard Chu Zhifang say that the old bustard in the brothel often went in and out of the palace, he couldn't help being very annoyed. He talked about the brothel in front of him.

He felt a little uncomfortable, at this moment, he heard a burst of crying, his eyes were full of chills, Chu Zhifang walked in and said: "My lord, Master Lu is here."

The King of Chu was originally angry with Lu Zhu, but when he heard that Lu Fei came, he felt a little annoyed, and he also knew why Lu Fei came to the palace at this time, presumably he came to the Chu Palace to make trouble when he heard the news of Lu Zhu's death.

He thought of the bank notes of Huitong Bank, and then thought of the matter of Chu Tianyou's life being cut off, and said coldly: "No see!"

Chu Zhifang said cautiously: "My lord, Mr. Lu is making a lot of noise, you should go and have a look!"

"A lot of trouble?" The King of Chu said disdainfully: "What kind of place does he think the Chu Palace is? Is this where he can make trouble if he wants?"

Chu Zhifang did not go to Feihua Bieyuan with the King of Chu. Although he knew the news of Lu Zhu's death and heard some details, he always thought that the King of Chu had some feelings for Lu Zhu. There will be some feelings. When the King of Chu asked this question at this time, Chu Zhifang knew that in the King of Chu's heart, he might be a little bored with Lu Zhu.

He stood there motionless, the King of Chu looked at him and said, "Is there anything else?"

Chu Zhifang said softly: "When the old servant came, he saw Master Lu went to the second young master's room."

King Chu's eyes slanted, and Chu Zhifang said again: "Although Lufu is just a merchant, it has not had much influence in Beijing these years, but if the prince ignores him, he will really make a big fuss outside the palace. In the last pass, the prince’s face is not good-looking. Although this matter is only a family matter in the palace, I am afraid that Yushi will go to the palace and talk nonsense.”

The King of Chu took a look at Chu Zhifang and knew that what Chu Zhifang said was reasonable, so he snorted coldly and walked out. When he walked outside Chu Tianyou's house, he heard Lu Fei crying: "Your mother made it clear You were framed, how could you just let it go!"

Chu Tianyou didn't speak, and Lu Fei said again: "Your mother told me that Yun Qian was vicious when she was alive. I didn't expect her to be so vicious, and she killed your mother like this! You said your mother is very good!" How could it be possible to go crazy! I have always known about your mother's body, and her body has always been very good, and there is something weird about this matter."

Although Lu Mansion has a mansion in the capital, after the Chinese New Year, Lu Mansion's weaving business in the palace was snatched away by the Bai Mansion. He also felt that it was meaningless to stay in Beijing. After the Lantern Festival, he returned to his hometown. When he returned to the capital to check the account, he heard about Lu Zhu's murder. As soon as he found out, he made a fuss at the Prince Chu's residence.

Chu Tianyou's temperament has changed drastically since he was injured last time, and now seeing Lu Fei's appearance, he just said indifferently: "Go back, uncle, even if the plan was planned by Yun Qian, but mother died in the hands of the king, Is it possible that uncle still wants to fight for his father?"

(End of this chapter)

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