Chapter 1390 Promoted to Chief Assistant
Chu Tianyou felt a little comforted when he heard Chu Tianqi's words. He looked at Chu Tianqi and said, "Sister, don't be afraid. As long as I have breath, I won't let that bitch Yunqian hurt you. I used to I have been arranging some things, which were almost ready, but after this happened, I had to push back the plan."

Chu Tianqi said softly: "I don't know what brother is going to do, but no matter what brother wants to do, I will support him, but brother must be careful when doing things, after all, Shizi and the others are much stronger than me now."

"I know." Chu Tianyou's eyes burst into coldness, and he said slowly: "I know these things better than you, and I also know Chu Yuanzhou's abilities better. The rampage in the palace is just relying on Chu Yuanzhou's power. If Chu Yuanzhou is destroyed, then they will be nothing. One day, I will let my father know that I am much stronger than Chu Yuanzhou !"

Chu Tianqi was a little worried when she heard Chu Tianyou's words, but she also knew that Chu Tianyou had been oppressed by Chu Yuanzhou for a long time, and she had hated Chu Yuanzhou to the bone, and when she thought about it carefully, she also knew that what Chu Tianyou said was the truth .

It's just about Chu Yuanzhou's ability, even though Chu Tianqi seldom knows about it in Chu Palace, this elder brother is the most powerful man among all the men she has ever met. Although Chu Tianyou is also very smart and has his own strength, but Not necessarily Chu Yuanzhou's opponent.

Although she had such a cognition in her heart, she also knew that Chu Tianyou at this time must not listen to her words.

So she said softly: "My brother's ability, of course I know, but the son is not a good person to get along with, let's not say that he has unrivaled martial arts, the father has always favored him, just say that he is now The power in the court cannot be underestimated."

Chu Tianyou took a look at Chu Tianqi and said, "Sister, why bother to spoil my prestige with other people's aspirations? No matter how powerful Chu Yuanzhou is, he still has his weaknesses. I just need to prescribe the right medicine. Besides, at this time, he is in Ming, we are in the dark, there will always be a suitable opportunity!"

After hearing what Chu Tianyou said, Chu Tianqi couldn't go on. She said slowly, "I believe in my brother's ability, but my brother has to promise me. Don't act rashly if you are not [-]% sure."

Chu Tianyou nodded slightly.

In the early morning of the second day, a piece of holy paper was announced into the palace of the Prince of Chu. The main meaning of the holy book is that after Chu Yuanzhou entered the cabinet, he has performed outstandingly and is truly talented. The emperor cherishes talents, only uses them, and does not care Because of his royal blood, he was ordered to be the chief assistant of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The king of Chu stayed there as soon as he finished reciting the holy scriptures, not to mention that there was an ancestral precept in the Great Zhou Dynasty. People in the royal family were not allowed to hold official positions in the court. Although it was reasonable for King Chu to enter the cabinet, he was still a little surprised, but he also knew that the emperor had always appreciated Chu Yuanzhou all these years.

It's just that the emperor had a lot of doubts when he used Chu Yuanzhou, and Chu Yuanzhou's character was a special case among the royal family and nobles. He is a bit lazy on weekdays, as long as the emperor makes him an official, his reaction most of the time is to flee eight hundred miles away, away from those power tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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