Chapter 1397 Changes in the Court
Chu Mo's eyes closed slightly and he said: "Among the princes, there are many with outstanding talents. Although I have been working hard, I have not yet reached the point where my father is more favored. It can only be regarded as being able to win the eyes of my father Prince."

Ye Wuchen frowned slightly, Chu Mo sighed again and said: "These things are not very important in the first place, the important thing is who the father thinks about in his heart."

Ye Wuchen looked at Chu Mo and said, "What Prince Ming means is..."

"Chu Yuanzhou has been amazing since he was a child, and his ability has always been praised by his father." Chu Mo said slowly: "My father once praised Chu Yuanzhou in front of a group of brothers, saying that he is such a good boy." The most outstanding one in the generation of royal family."

"Ming Wang thinks too much." Ye Wuchen understood Chu Mo's implication, and he said lightly: "Chu Yuanzhou is quite talented, but he has an unrestrained temper and doesn't like to be restrained. He joined the cabinet a few days ago, but he never He didn't follow the rules, he was quite lazy even in court, he yawned several times in the hall, and was reprimanded by the emperor, such an irresponsible person would never fall into the eyes of the emperor."

"I hope I'm just thinking too much." Chu Mo's eyes were deep, and there was a slight chill in his eyes, and he said: "Originally, the throne of the Great Zhou Dynasty was passed on to the eldest son, but the father is not the eldest son." The eldest son. I heard that when my father was young, he acted quite eccentrically. Among the members of the royal family, Chu Yuanzhou's temperament is the most suitable for my father."

Ye Wuchen tapped the chessboard lightly with the white pieces in his hand, glanced at Chu Mo and said, "I still think that King Ming is overthinking, for the emperor, the princes are the most suitable successors, no matter how many rounds there are It's not Chu Yuanzhou's turn. Besides, as a father, he will have some preference for his own children. Even if the eldest prince is imprisoned in the clan's mansion now, his life will be finished, and it is impossible for him to give up the throne. Pass it on to people other than your own children."

Chu Mo smiled and said, "I hope I'm thinking too much."

Ye Wuchen also smiled, but his eyes became darker. He and Chu Yuanzhou were at odds because of Yun Qian's matter. Even so, he admired Chu Yuanzhou's talent.

That day when Chu Yuanzhou went to the Huaishui River for disaster relief, he originally thought that Chu Yuanzhou would never come back no matter what, but he returned safely.

As for Chu Yuanzhou's entry into the imperial court, although he looked a little lazy, it was undeniable that all the things that Chu Yuanzhou handled were extremely beautiful.

Chu Yuanzhou's way of dealing with things is often confusing, but he also has to admit that as long as the method works, the others are not important.

Ye Wuchen even thought in his heart that Chu Yuanzhou became the chief assistant of the Great Zhou, and he didn't know what kind of waves would be caused in the court. Somehow, he had so much expectation.

Chu Mo looked at Ye Wuchen and asked again: "How does Ye Xiang view this matter?"

Ye Wuchen pulled his thoughts back and said: "My father has been working with Chu Yuanzhou in the imperial court these days. Although he doesn't like Chu Yuanzhou's temperament, he admires Chu Yuanzhou's way of handling things."

"Ye Quang is really a broad-minded person. I was still thinking that even if the father wants to set up a chief assistant, then that person can only be Ye Xiang." Chu Mo said with a smile.

Ye Wuchen smiled and said: "My father has been left chancellor for many years, he doesn't care much about power anymore, he doesn't care who is prime minister, as long as he can serve the emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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