Chapter 140 The Scary Princess
Yunqian asked curiously, "Who is the boat?"

"Chu Yuanzhou, the eldest son of King Chu." Princess Qionghua said with a smile, "Isn't a boat just a boat? Yuanzhou Yuanzhou, to put it bluntly, is still a boat. Its name is so elegant, it's good for children!"

After hearing Princess Qionghua's words, Yun Qian couldn't help laughing and said, "The princess seems to be the elder of the son."

"So what?" Princess Qionghua's eyes were full of disdain and said: "It's just because of that status, we are all members of the royal family. From my point of view, he and I are friends. Come on, he and I are different, but we're both happy and comfortable."

After hearing what she said, Yun Qian really liked Princess Qionghua's character. The princes respected the royal family, and many members of the royal family wore the hat of the royal family. From Princess Hua's words, she doesn't seem to be proud of being born in the royal family.

The matter of Princess Qionghua, she had occasionally heard a few words in this body before, all of which were inseparable from being a slut. Looking at it now, I am afraid that something big happened to her back then, otherwise the whole country would be dignified Princess, how could she say such a thing.

Goodbye to Princess Qionghua's appearance, free and easy and majestic, although she has a good appearance, but she is like a lady from a great family, so she abides by the pedantic rules, such a temperament, Yun Qian does not hate it.

It's just that in Princess Qionghua's body, Yunqian really didn't find anything related to the princess.

Yun Qian smiled slightly, and Princess Qionghua glanced at her, then snorted softly and said, "Don't talk? Are you wondering why I said that?"

Yun Qian didn't answer, Princess Qionghua said disdainfully: "Don't pretend to be a lady in front of me, no matter what, I'm a few years older than you, and your small thoughts can't escape my eyes."

Yun Qian asked: "Dare to ask the princess, what care do I have?"

"Others see my eyes full of disdain. Even if they are respectful to me on the surface, they still have to scold me behind the scenes, and the scolding will be very ugly. There are not many people in the capital who are so-called ladies are willing to have sex with me." I am afraid that I will get my breath and ruin their reputation." Princess Qionghua's eyes were full of deepness and said: "You are a little different from those ladies, you can only be surprised when you see me, not Disgusted, although you rejected me at first, your rejection was not because of me, but because of that bastard Chu Yuanzhou, am I right?"

Yun Qian is not the kind of person who will talk about her thoughts when she meets someone. When she heard Princess Qionghua's words, her eyes were a little surprised. It was not only because of Princess Qionghua's directness, but also because of Princess Qionghua's transparency. .

This woman, I am afraid that she is also lonely in her bones. She has an exquisite heart, but why did she become like this? The curiosity in Yunqian's heart is even heavier, but she will not ask if Princess Qionghua doesn't say anything. .

Yun Qian nodded her head lightly and said, "The princess is smart and beautiful, and she is also very good at seeing people."

Princess Qionghua smiled, then lightly patted Yun Qian on the shoulder and said, "You flatterer!"

Yun Qian laughed, at this moment, the carriage stopped, Princess Qionghua looked at Yun Qian and said, "When will you marry Xiao Chuaner?"

Yun Qian smiled and said, "This matter depends on how the prince arranges it."

She couldn't figure out what Chu Yuanzhou wanted to play. He said he wanted to marry her, but Wen Ding didn't come down for a long time. Was it to test her patience?Fortunately, she didn't want to marry him, otherwise she would have died in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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