Chapter 1403

Thinking about it this way, Yun Yan already knew that the problem most likely lies in that bottle of perfume!
Yun Yan immediately regretted it at the beginning, if she hadn't been greedy at that time, she might not have had the misfortune of today.

She hated Yunluo to the extreme in her heart, she gritted her teeth and said, "Yunluo, I must kill you!"

Although Yun Yan had been tricked by Yun Qian a few times in the later stages of the Yun Mansion, and suffered a few big losses, it was the first time that she stripped off all her clothes in front of the servants like this.
She just felt that she couldn't swallow the breath in her heart, and even fainted.

The next morning, when the maid came in to deliver the meal, she was shocked when she saw her lying on the ground upright. Although Chu Mo made a big show last night, Yun Yan was still the hostess of the palace after all. She was busy looking for her. She put a coarse cloth on Yun Yan's body, and when she touched Yun Yan's body with her hand, she felt that it was very hot.

The maid was taken aback, and hurriedly reported this matter to the steward of the palace. The steward told Chu Mo about it when Chu Mo went down to court. Although Chu Mo hated Yunyan very much at this time, But it was not good for Yunyan to die in Prince Ming's mansion, so he asked the steward to find a doctor to treat Yunyan.

After the doctor came, he took Yun Yan's pulse and said: "The princess has been pregnant for a month, this time she fainted due to lack of energy and blood. You have to live well."

The steward was shocked when he heard the doctor's words, and hurriedly told Chu Mo about it. Chu Mo didn't expect Yun Yan to be pregnant at this time. Although he didn't like Yun Yan very much, Yun Yan was pregnant. In the end, it was his flesh and blood.

There was a chill in Chu Mo's eyes, and he ordered coldly: "Send the princess back to the room, and then pull out a few maids for her again."

The steward said cautiously: "Does the prince want to visit the princess?"

"No need." The remaining anger in Chu Mo's heart was still there, and he immediately said coldly: "Send someone to watch her these days, and don't let her leave the palace."

He will never want to see Yunyan again in his life.

The steward knew that Chu Mo's order was to extend Yunyan's confinement in the firewood room to the entire palace, so he immediately responded and retreated. After Chu Mo made these arrangements, he couldn't help but sighed softly. .

After such a big incident happened to Yunyan, Yunluo was the happiest. When she had been oppressed by Yunyan for more than ten years and hadn't vented her anger, she just felt extremely relieved at this moment.

And when she heard that Yun Yan was punished because of a bottle of perfume, her heart tightened again. Only now did she truly understand Yun Qian's inscrutable attitude when he gave her the bottle of perfume that day. What exactly do emoticons mean.

Yunluo shivered, her mind was as deep as clouds, it really scared her, she was also secretly glad in her heart, fortunately she gave the perfume to Yunyan that day, otherwise she would be the one who was stripped naked.

It's just that Yunluo couldn't figure out whether Yunqian wanted to hurt her or Yunyan. No matter who she wanted to hurt, this matter was arranged very meticulously and without trace.

In the past, Yunluo always felt that even if Yunqian had a knot in her heart, it was nothing more than mediocrity, but after experiencing it today, she had other opinions in her heart.

And what happened next was not what Yunluo expected. She originally thought that after Chu Mo stripped her clothes and put her in the woodshed, it would be difficult for Yunyan to get out.

(End of this chapter)

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