Chapter 1409

Yun Yan's eyes are full of coldness, today's game was set up for Yun Luo by her hand, she originally thought that Yun Luo would mature a bit after going through so many things, she was still a little worried that Yun Luo would be fooled , did not expect this matter to go so smoothly, even after going through so many things, Yunluo is nothing more than that, her heart is full of disdain.

Yunluo's body was terribly hot, and she couldn't speak. She just felt that the anger accumulated all over her body could not be vented. This feeling made her a little crazy. In her panic, her eyes looked at Yunyan coldly. I can't wait to tear Yun Yan into pieces.

When Yunyan saw Yunluo's eyes, she knew that Yunluo, who was as stupid as a pig, had figured it out. She stood there gracefully, her eyes full of disdain. She fights, she doesn't know how to live or die!
Her chin was slightly raised, and there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, which was full of provocation.

Seeing her like that, Yunluo's eyes were full of unwillingness, why should she be bullied like this by Yunyan!With a fierce scream, she suddenly knocked away the maids and servants beside her, and then ran straight towards Yunyan.

Such a change made Yun Yan slightly taken aback. She originally thought that Yun Luo would have no strength to resist after being poisoned, but she didn't expect that she could break free from so many people's hands.

It's just that before Yunyan took two steps, Yunluo had already rushed in front of her, and as if losing her mind, she raised a punch and hit Yunyan's lower abdomen. Although she was not very strong, this blow was With all my might.

Yunyan subconsciously wanted to protect her stomach, but Yunluo came down so fast and hard that she had no way to dodge, so even if Yunyan used her hands to protect her stomach, it was too late, and the severe pain hit her. The whole body shrank into a ball.

Yunluo's punch firmly hit Yunyan's stomach. Yunyan's fetal gas had been moved due to the events of the past few days, and the placenta was originally unstable. At this time, when Yunluo's punch came, she could only I felt a pain in my abdomen, and then I felt like something was coming out of my lower body.

Summer clothes are thin, and today she is wearing another bright yellow long skirt, which was soon stained with blood.

Yunluo knocked Yunyan down with one punch, and she felt a lot more happy in her heart, and immediately hit Yunyan's stomach with her fist again regardless.

When the girl next to Yunyan arrived, it was already too late, and Yunyan had already fallen to the ground.

When the steward of the palace heard the movement here and came to see, he found Yunyan's lower body was covered in blood, and he secretly screamed that something was wrong, so he hurriedly asked the guards to pull Yunluo away, and then ordered someone to send Yunyan back to the room, and then sent someone to Find a doctor.

For a while, the scene was chaotic.

When the doctor arrived, it was already half an hour later, when the doctor caught Yun Yan's pulse, he sighed softly, then shook his head and said: "There is no way to recover."

Chu Mo also returned to the palace at this time, and his heart was half cold when he heard the doctor's words. He didn't speak, and the steward asked, "Is the princess not in serious trouble?"

The doctor replied: "This time the princess suffered a miscarriage, which caused great harm to her body. In addition, it is not the first time she has had a miscarriage. In this way, I am afraid that she will not be able to have children in the future."

In this era, if a woman is unable to bear children, it is equivalent to becoming a useless person.

(End of this chapter)

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